Zoey " Just making Samosas" Samaras

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

arkham · 1

Zoey build for Labyrinth Of Lunacy - 19xp

Using 2 core sets and cards up to the end of Dunwich Legacy


Nov 23, 2018 Shiver · 1

Have you thought of using "Stick to the plan"? costly at 6xp but you can put the 1ofs Prepared for the Worst and Dynamite Blast on it. Emergency Cache, Shortcut, Taunt and Dodge are also great targets for it.

Nov 23, 2018 arkham · 1


I only have access to the cards up to the end of the Dunwich Legacy which is why it isn't here.

Stick to the Plan would certainly make sense, although I'm not sure it would be worth removing other xp cards for it. It would be nice but not essential, as none of the cards you mention are essential hand opener to me;

Dynamite Blast is usually a late game cards

In my test with 4 weapons and Prepared for the Worst, I usually draw one or the other in my opening hand. And if I don't draw any of those I mulligan all my cards, unless it's Zoey's Cross.

Between I've had worse, Emergency Cache and Zoey herself I usually have ressource generation going early

The rest are combat tricks that are nice to have, but not crucial to get going.

My ideal opening hand would probably be

Machete - Zoey's Cross - Beat Cop - Dig Deep - Ressource cache (10 ressources total)

Then if I'm keeping afloat on ressource I don't really need to draw much else, which I think is the whole point of deck building in this game. You want to draw as few cards as possible to not trigger your weaknesses or use actions inefficiently. In this regards stick to the plan would certainly fit if I had space for it

Nov 23, 2018 arkham · 1

Also Stick to the plan being a permanent, I believe you only need one copy of it in your deck, so the cost would actually be 3xp. I still don't know what I would cut for that price

Nov 23, 2018 Shiver · 1

It's Exceptional so it costs double xp (and you are limited to 1 of). I enjoy it for the fact that it reduces the chances that you draw dead cards making each draw more valuable.

Like you said, Dynamite Blast is a late game card so drawing it early clutters the hand or you might just not have it whenever it would be useful. Prepared for the Worst is kind of the same thing. You want it if your opening hand sucks but not if you already have a weapon.

Of course, you are the master of your own destiny here but if I had to cut cards to use it, I'd cut 1 I've had worse and 1 Vicious Blow (replaced w/ normal Vicious Blow and maybe a "Let me handle this!" or Smoking Pipe?).

Some food for thought ;)

Nov 23, 2018 arkham · 1

Ah yes I missed the exceptional trait. Those are some good points, I can definitely better see the use for it now.