Jerome Davids
Josef's Secretary
Assistant. Silver Twilight.
- 2
- 4
- 1
- 3
When an investigator at your location draws a treachery from the encounter deck, discard cards from your hand with a total of at least 2 icons: Cancel that card's revelation effect. (Limit once per round.)
effect: +1. Discover 1 clue at your location.
Jerome Davids - Retro
Setup: You begin play in the Office. Search the gathered cards for 1 copy of Nether Mist and 1 copy of Obscuring Fog. Spawn the Nether Mist in the Office and attach Obscuring Fog to the Office. You begin with 3 resources instead of 5.
Starting Play Area: Nothing.
Opening Hand: Hyperawareness (Core 34), Mind over Matter (Core 36), Working a Hunch (Core 37), Barricade (Core 38), Deduction (Core 39), Magnifying Glass (level 1) (Core 40), Fingerprint Kit (TCU 24), Connect the Dots (TCU 25), 2 copies of Curiosity (TCU 26).

Deck Building
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- Jerome Davids: In Way Over His Head (Union and Disillusion #259)
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