Supporto. Mano

Oggetto. Arma. Mischia. Benedetto.

Costi: 3. XP: 4.


: Combatti. Ricevi +2 in questo attacco. Se questo attacco ha successo, infliggi +1 danno in questo attacco. Rimetti nel sacchetto del caos ogni segnalino rivelato durante questo attacco. Prima di rivelare i segnalini caos in questo attacco, puoi esaurire la Lama Benedetta per aggiungere 2 segnalini al sacchetto del caos

Carlos Palma Cruchaga
La Festa di Hemlock Vale, Espansione Investigatori #34.
Lama Benedetta


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Finally Guardian has a weapon that is almost strictly better than timeworn brand.

This is a very unassuming weapon, it doesn't do anything special, it's not a particularly great bless synergy card, it's not a particularly powerful boss killer, but what it does do is give you a +2/+1 weapon you can swing time after time after time that takes only one hand slot, a hand slot that can even be satisfied with an Occult Reliquary.

It's nice that it can put in a few blesses.

It's nice that it doesn't consume blesses.

It's nice that it only costs 3, instead of 5.

It's nice that it's 4 exp instead of 5exp (Timeworn Brand).

It's nice that if you attack an enemy engaged with another investigator and fail, you only deal them 1 damage instead of 2.(The bonus damage is only on a success)

It's just a nice weapon, nothing crazy, just nice. I'm prepared to see this card as a side arm in more than a few decks.

There aren't many Guardian weapons worse than Timeworn Brand — SSW · 214
"It's nice that it can put in a few blesses." I think, if I don't particularly care for this "nice" thing, I'd still rather look elsewere. 4 XP is still expensive for a side arm to deal 2 damage per action. That's not to say, this won't be a great card in the right decks, but not as universally good for any guardian, like you're selling it for. In particular with "Brand of Cthugha" in the pool, which gives a very cheap option at 1 XP and 2 resources for a side arm, and can be upgraded to an even better level 4 card, once you have the XP to spare. — Susumu · 372
Brand of Cthugha uses charges, though, whereas Blessed Blade (4) can be used an unlimited number of times. — NightgauntTaxiService · 430
@SSW I meant that it's a weapon that fights on the same axis as timeworn brand. It's an unlimited use 1 handed +2/+1 weapon that I don't think existed in guardian until now. — SuzumiyaHaruhi · 24
@ NightgauntTaxiService: That's true, but the relevant question is, if the amount of charges from BoC gets you through a scenario as an off-weapon, and in my experience it does. If you need more damage output, you can still add some fight events. Also, it does not require 3 XP for "Occult Reliquary" on top to be played aside your two-handed main weapon. 4 XP seems just to expensive for me for a weapon, that gives just +1 combat and the deletion of the engagement-restriction compared to a machete. Once, you care about the bless archtype, it get's amazing, for sure. But "Timeworn Brand" was overcosted for a Guardian weapon to beginn with, so comparing it with that does not do justice to the upgraded "Blessed Blade". — Susumu · 372
2 blesses a turn is a full bag soon enough. And Favor of the Sun is cheap. — MrGoldbee · 1473
There are actually many Guardian weapons that are worse than Timeworn Brand — liwl0115 · 41
Not, if you take the XP- (and 5 resources) cost into consideration. Which is fine, a neutral card kind of have to be that way. — Susumu · 372
Nice review! I think if Ancestral Token didn't exist, this would be a lot more useful - but seeing as it does then it's not. For using it as a sidearm, you need a strong reason to do so given the XP cost. I picked Boxing Gloves for this in a recent deck, which I do think is a good reason to use this - but still it's niche because of Token right now. It's also more effective at adding bless than you say I think, two per turn with an enemy is a lot (blesses and curses both need quite a few in there before draw becomes especially likely). — HungryColquhoun · 8747

Something I missed on my first impression that makes this much more palatable upgrade is that the blade doesn't need to be ready to fight, which was a major pain point with the lvl 0 version. You no longer need to assess whether or not to add the blesses in case you miss or the target will die, just exhaust it at first opportunity and generate value.

mordequess · 84