

Costi: 5. XP: 2.


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"Ho vinto ancora! Mi dispiace, dolcezza, non è proprio la tua serata."
Sara Biddle
Ritorno a... La Notte della Zelota #6.
Serata Fortunata


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The obvious comparison is between this card and Emergency Cache, but the more pressing one is between Hot Streak and Another Day, Another Dollar. I think that Hot Streak has a place in a few decks, but you generally need to satisfy one or more of these conditions:

  • Your deck will still have Emergency Cache. Emergency Cache is a good card, and 2 more copies of Emergency Cache + can be good for some decks (Leo)
  • You're Sefina. Enough said, the card is absolutely insane with her.
  • You're running 2 ADAD already and still need resources most games. I'm not sure what deck would do this, but it seems fun. Hot streak it up.

Otherwise, I'd strongly recommend just grabbing ADAD instead. The benefit of Hot Streak over an Emergency Cache is +2 resources; for just one more xp, you can get that benefit at the start of every single game (and not have to worry about hot streak's high initial cost).

Hot Streak (4) is more of the same, except even more variance-heavy. Unless you have ADADx2 or some insane draw power, grab ADAD first.

dichromate · 11

This card is not gonna see a lot of play after Innsmouth cycle; with the same price of 2 XP you can get two Faustian Bargains and a False Covenant (which practically negates the curse tokens)

[review needs to be 200 characters long]

wjr · 148
Double Double. — MrGoldbee · 1473
False Covenant cancels one Curse token a turn at your location, and nothing prevents you from drawing another curse after canceling it. In most cases, this just means that other investigators not at your location will be the ones paying for the curses you add to the bag. — suika · 9491
Faustian is good, but you know what is better than one or the other? — Zerogrim · 295
Hot Streak (4)? /s — suika · 9491
I think zero meant both is better than just one... — Django · 5114
There needs to be a more universal way to denote sarcasm over the Internet. — suika · 9491
/s is my go to as well — StyxTBeuford · 13029
You just need to play the "Hot Srcasm" card... — LivefromBenefitSt · 1073
There are some (I'm betting many) tables that don't run bless/curse every game. This is a potential problem for the LCG I'm finding; adding more options like Bless/Curse and Tarot is ok in certain campaigns, but it can lead to a *lot* of min/maxing in certain groups. To me that means theme is secondary to winning (but that's just me - Tarot card in Antarctica anyone?), and perhaps more importantly it means fairly useful cards like Hot Streak (2) (good in Leo for example) will get relegated to the binder. — Krysmopompas · 360
I want to explicitly point out that Faustian Bargain can benefit other players if you like other people messing up your “perfect” deck design. Hot Streak(2) you have to play an action for as well. If I’m spending experience on something you can sure I want it start and will look for it with my mulligan. Compared with Another Day Another Dollar, both Faustian Bargain and Hot Streak can be played multiple times depending on you card draw ability versus only being used during setup. Minmaxing can be a problem in any game, so if you enjoy running cards for thematic effect you really don’t have to worry about justifying your deck mathematically. I would like to see an Antarctic Tarot card in the next set though. — Staticalchemist · 1