Arkham Woods - Retro
Growing up, you were always warned to stay out of the woods at night. Now you know why.
Arkham Woods
Hidden Path
Oscurità: 2. Indizi: 1.
During the "enemy attacks" step of the enemy phase, instead of their standard attack, each ready Witch enemy at this location attacks each investigator in play. Attacks made in this way do not cause the enemy to exhaust.
Jokubas Uogintas
Ritorno a... Il Circolo Spezzato #21. Ritorno a... L'Ora delle Streghe #5.

Carte Correlate
- Arkham Woods: Place of Power (Ritorno a... Il Circolo Spezzato #22)
- Arkham Woods: Bootlegging Operation (Ritorno a... Il Circolo Spezzato #23)
- Arkham Woods: Great Willow (Return to the Night of the Zealot #33)
- Arkham Woods: Lakeside (Return to the Night of the Zealot #34)
- Arkham Woods: Corpse-Ridden Clearing (Return to the Night of the Zealot #35)
- Arkham Woods: Wooden Bridge (Return to the Night of the Zealot #36)
- Arkham Woods: Unhallowed Ground (Core Set #150)
- Arkham Woods: Twisting Paths (Core Set #151)
- Arkham Woods: Old House (Core Set #152)
- Arkham Woods: Cliffside (Core Set #153)
- Arkham Woods: Tangled Thicket (Core Set #154)
- Arkham Woods: Quiet Glade (Core Set #155)
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