Q: Does Lonnie Ritter require a damaged asset for her ability to work? Or is this a case of "doing as much as you can", so as long as you can heal Lonnie, you can still target a non-damaged item instead? A: Lonnie Ritter’s ability states: “ Exhaust Lonnie Ritter and spend 1 resource: Choose an Item asset controlled by an investigator at your location. Heal 1 damage from that asset and 1 horror from Lonnie Ritter.” It is true that the only costs of the ability are exhausting Lonnie and spending 1 resource, and the choosing and healing of an item are effects, not costs. However, whenever you see the word “choose” in an ability, there are a few additional rules to keep in mind. These rules can be found under the Target section of the Rules Reference.
The term "choose" indicates that one or more targets must be chosen in order for an ability to resolve. The player resolving the ability must choose a game element (usually a card) that meets the targeting requirements of the ability. If an ability requires the choosing of a target, and there is no valid target (or not enough valid targets), the ability cannot be initiated.
In other words, you cannot use Lonnie’s ability if there is no Item to target with its effect. The question remains—can you choose an item with no damage on it (or even, an item with no health value at all?) simply to heal 1 horror from Lonnie. Thankfully, the Rules Reference answers this question as well, in that same section:
A card is not an eligible target for an ability if the resolution of that ability's effect could not change the target's state. (For example, an exhausted enemy could not be chosen as the target of an effect that reads, "choose and exhaust an enemy.")
So there you have it—you must choose an eligible target in order to activate Lonnie’s ability, and an item that cannot be healed is not an eligible target. This is true even though healing 1 damage from the chosen item is an effect and not a cost, because the word “choose” indicates that one or more eligible targets must be chosen in order for the ability to correctly resolve, and a target can only be chosen if the ability’s effect has the potential to change its game state.
Lonnie Ritter
Meccanico Grintoso
Supporto. Alleato
Costi: 4.
Ricevi +1 .
Esaurisci Lonnie Ritter e spendi 1 risorsa: Scegli 1 supporto Oggetto controllato da un investigatore nel tuo luogo. Cura 1 danno a quel supporto e 1 orrore a Lonnie Ritter.

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
There are two elephants in the room to address here.
First, Lonnie is one heck of a large pile of soak. For the cost of a resource, you can heal one damage and one horror every round. The resources aren't hard to come by, and she's also a level 0, 5 health/sanity ally who says +1 in her card text, so you aren't even feeling like you're 'wasting' your ally slot for defense. Compare her to equally costed Beat Cop with one fewer sanity and an ability that you really hope you don't have to use! Lonnie can also provide the health healing for your fellow investigators provided they bring their own items for soaking damage. Also, note that 'choosing' is part of the ability and the lack of 'must' and 'then' in her ability text. If you just need the horror, it is totally legal to choose an item without damage - or even activate the ability with no available item at all.
Second, Lonnie isn't a mechanic. She's a tailor! She doesn't fix motorcycles and cars - she fixes shirts. AHCG has a small selection of items with health, mostly 2 health: Leather Coat, Trench Coat, Leather Jacket, and Robes of Endless Night
And some high level armor with 4 health: Bulletproof Vest and Armor of Ardennes
Plus a few more honorable mentions with 1 health, so not enough health to be healed: Bandolier, Fine Clothes, and the Spooky Spoilery Snuggy
Will we one day see Motorcycles as player cards? I hope so and expect it. The motorcycle is one of the most iconic cards from Arkham Horror, and both Tommy Muldoon and Daniela Reyes are big fans of them! Plus, it is confirmed that we will be seeing the new Vehicle trait in The Innsmouth Conspiracy, but the couple of revealed spoilers have shown scenario specific assets without health stats.
But until then, Lonnie is stuck mending coats, jackets, and dresses!
This card needs an FAQ.
Question 1: To be able to heal Lonnie Ritter, is it mandatory that you select an Item asset that has at least 1 damage on it? Or could you choose an Item like Lucky Cigarette case and get the 1 horror healing on Lonnie?
Question 2: same, but in reverse. Can you heal 1 damage from an asset that damage on it (ex: Leather Coat), even if Lonnie Ritter has no horror on her?