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"Credi che indossarlo ti faccia sembrare il miglior pilota?"
"Nah, so già di esserlo. Il giubbotto serve a farlo sapere anche agli altri."
Robert Laskey
Winifred Habbamock #10.
Giubbotto di Pelle


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A bit of an odd card for Rogues. Fast is really nice, but most Rogues don’t struggle with health much due to having high health values and high agility. You might consider this for Sef if it weren’t for Robes of Endless Night, which gives her a really nice discount on spells. For off class Rogues, this doesn’t do much for anyone except Dexter. Leo is built to be tanky with lots of allies, and Wendy can take Leather Coat if she really needs the soak. Dex can at least use this to effectively make something else fast with his ability, and the soak is very nice for him. He might want Robes instead, or he might want both.

You could also play this alongside Lonnie for a decent horror and damage healing engine, though 6 resources and 2 cards for that seems like too much.

StyxTBeuford · 13029
Yeah, I'm not sure where this card fits, other than to fill the niche of giving every class their own body asset (except seekers...). The Lonnie combo is good, but if I'm a rogue I think I'd rather combo her with Trench Coat, which gives me a bonus I'd gladly pay one more resource and an action for. — MiskatonicFrosh · 344
Maybe its meant to be part of Wini's solution to Beyond the Veil. If you had this, Joey "the Rat" Vigil, and Delilah O'Rourke, you could soak 8 out of the 10 damage. — Zinjanthropus · 229
I bought this preconstituted deck in Italian and only one of the two leather jackets is written fast — Tony Morgan · 80
Regarding >Wendy can take Leather Coat<: sure, but 2 resources for an action seem like a fair trade. "Skids" has that as his special ability. Also it can stay in hand in case you don't need it, because you can install it safely engaged. Sue, survivors are normally not as rich as rogues, but I would give the Jacket a slight edge over the coat, if you can take both. — Susumu · 372
Unless of course, you go "Dark Horse", in which case, you don't want to keep 2 resources availble for emergency. — Susumu · 372
Nah I just straight up disagree with that assessment. 2 resources will almost always be more valuable than an action, and that’s a pretty big reason why OG Skids is not nearly as well liked as his parallel version. Leather Coat being 0 is particularly huge for recursion savings, as Survivors have the ability to replay things from their discard much more easily than other classes. Recursion at 0 resources is significantly stronger than recursion at 2 resources per opportunity. Saving an action is nice, and I wont discount the AoO dodging, but overall I find this considerably harder to include than Leather Coat. — StyxTBeuford · 13029
Ciao Tonio Morgana, fellow Italian. I personally disagree with the review of taking this over Robes of Endless night with Sefina: you take both because Sefina HP is so low you need every bit of soak you can get, and given she gets +3 to the normal 30 deck size and then 5 more cards base that do not count towards her deck size for a total of 38, putting two HP soak card help a lot. Sure you could get a second copy of Robes instead, but I think the fast makes +2 stamina on a character with 5 base very inviting — HeroesOfTomorrow · 55

That might be just the right choice for a body slot for Dexter Drake. It saves an action and solves one of the issues of Dexter - low health. It does directly compete with a very Dexter-ish Living Ink. It may depend on the campaign and how your team is composed, but in true solo pure 6 health is a bit low and occasionally you may find yourself dead. Is the extra +1 from Living Ink enough to cover your weak body? Depending on your other deck choices it may go both ways. For now I think I'm more happy with the Leather Jacket, providing extra protection and extra action.

Onetribe · 343
I would run both in dexter a lot of the time personally, both of them are only temporary effects, and ink can move to a new slot. — Zerogrim · 295
I built a Dexter Drake that runs Hallowed Chalice to solve his low health problem. If you're taking Arcane Research (or two copies of it) and In the Thick of It, and maybe even Charon's Obol, Hallowed Chalice looks amazing (especially if you can tutor 'Charm' with Molly Maxwell. — Innsmouth Conspirator · 63