Diana; Bloodied Knuckles and Furious Defiance

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

knockthrice · 55

deck seems over limit, but Ace of Rods was gained through campaign events and should not be part of my card count.

A log and testing ground of my current deck, playing Circle Undone campaign as a two player. This will be updated/edited as I go.

Diana Stanley & Rita Young co-op campaign deck.

My initial aim was to be a canceller and negator, using this to power up my willpower and fuel cards like Shrivelling and Rite of Seeking, with a sideline of being a brawler when we needed to clear creatures. This is what my initial deck was built around.

As I play Diana more, it's becoming clear that relying on being able to boost willpower is too big a gamble to hang the deck on. Depending on drawing the right cards and having situations to use them means it's possible (even likely) to be most of the way through a scenario before your willpower is getting to 4 or 5.

Now that I have (somehow) played and survived an early Guardians of the Abyss, and I ended up with the Kopesh, Diana is turning much more towards a straight up brawler. She's essentially Zoe who also negates things.

Looking forward, I'm currently aiming to more reliably draw weapons, and steer away from things like Rite of Seeking, at least until I can get upgraded versions.


The deck name comes from when we played the first scenario of Circle Undone with Diana and I was crippled by a combination of having to spend all my resources on turn 1, and then having The Tower • XVI in hand.

I had no weapons out or in hand, and no time/resources to find or place them. As the only fighting player, I did what I had to and just went in swinging. Every time I took one down, the next turn another showed up.

So it is now campaign cannon that Diana Stanley punched five witches to death with her bare hands.