Daisy Granger

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Elrohir · 1


Jun 07, 2017 Elrohir · 1

I like Daisy most. Nine sanity and five intellect are strengths. Despite, she has challenging 5 vitality. To keep her alife, there are "I've got a plan!", Mind over Matter, Medical Texts and Blinding Light.

Constructed for a multiplayer game, she supports with Encyclopedia, Old Book of Lore using her bonus action, and heals with Clarity of Mind and Medical Texts.

Hi, i have issues at the deckbuilding tool adding Higher Education. It gets always to my mandatory cards and according to this, it does not count for the limit. Is this a bug?

Jun 07, 2017 Elrohir · 1

Just noticed the permanent keyword and its specific rules concerning Higher Education.

Jun 07, 2017 Synisill · 795

Your Daisy is a part-time sorcerer! Who is her partner? Agnes? It's nice to see a new way to play Daisy - my best wishes for her for the ride to Dunwich!