Jenny crystallizes her dreams

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

arkady · 207

This deck is based on the idea that Jenny can afford to replace her skill cards with event cards, thanks to her resource-boosting ability. Note this is a deck for multiplayer.

Playing this deck: Get your Crystallizer of Dreams and use your money to buy favours (Intel Report, Decoy, Small Favor), so you can get more pips for the next Intellect, Agility or Strength test. The Investments are to be placed as soon as possible, and get the money from it only when you intend to use it for your events (or for Dario El-Amin). Arcane Studies and Hard Knocks are just there in case your Crystallizer of Dreams doesn't show up - but even then, the "favor" events are to be played (after all, Jenny can play one a turn, since they all cost 2). I won't go into details as to how to use them; just use them in the last resort.


  1. Intel Report: 1 or 2 clues without any test, then remains under the Crystallizer of Dreams until you commit it to investigate (or parley, or pass an intellect test).
  2. Flashlight: -2 shroud is still very one of the best basic cards for investigating.
  3. Dario El-Amin: I'm probably stretching it a bit, but +1 Intellect with Dario is easier to reach with Jenny than with many other investigators.


  1. Small Favor: 1 or 2 damage without any test, then remains under the Crystallizer of Dreams until you commit it to attack (or pass a strength test).
  2. Coup de GrĂ¢ce: 1 damage without any test and possible card draw, and is also a good card for the Crystallizer of Dreams.
  3. Colt Vest Pocket (with Sleight of Hand): good weapon, but don't prioritize that combo over evasion, which is still a very valid strategy with Jenny, in my opinion.


  1. Decoy: 1 or 2 enemies evaded without any test, then remains under the Crystallizer of Dreams until you commit it to evade (or pass an agility test).
  2. Elusive: again, evasion without any test.
  3. Narrow Escape: if you play an event while engaged with an enemy, you can play this to avoid the attack and make sure you evade him afterwards.


  1. Logical Reasoning: the only 2 Will power pips event in the deck - heals your sanity/removes a terror card from your threat area, then helps you resist the next danger under the Crystallizer of Dreams.
  2. Dario El-Amin: Again, 10 resources is not that hard to reach with Jenny.

Mulligan: Although the events are the most important part of this deck, your priority is to set your board. Mulligan ALL cards except:

  1. Crystallizer of Dreams: the earlier you get it, the more events you can get pips from.
  2. Investments: the earlier you get it, the more events you will be able to play.
  3. Flashlight: even though getting clues without tests is great, because of the number of clues usually necessary to acquire in a scenario, a flashlight is one of the priorities.

Modifications for solo:

-Replace Investments with Lone Wolf, which is more efficient and always triggers in solo games.

-Replace the copy of Heroic Rescue with .45 Automatic or Machete, depending on whether you respect the taboo list or not - an additional weapon is always good, especially in solo.


May 30, 2020 Lethal_Laitue · 338

Hi! Nice idea, Sweet deck. Have you tested it? Is the resources management working smoothly?

Jun 01, 2020 arkady · 207

Hi! Thanks! I've tried it once and it hasn't fared well, but I dislike Rogues and their gameplay (except Sefina), and I'm bad at playing them. I love Lovecraft's Dream cycle and I wanted to build a deck around the Crystallizer, and Rogues have the most cards with double pips. If you try it or another version of it, let me know the result!

Jun 02, 2020 Lethal_Laitue · 338

@arkadyI'll try something around this idea for Dream-Eaters. I'll let you know