- If you use Sleight of Hand to put Jenny's Twin .45s into play, you never pay the cost so you never specify what X is. (“If X is not defined, its value is equal to 0.” RR, page 22) Same goes for while Jenny’s Twin .45s are in your hand. After it is played, its cost is no longer defined, so it reverts back to being undefined (“X”, or “0”). Essentially, the cost of Jenny’s Twin .45s is only defined while you are playing it.
Costi: 1.
Veloce. Solo durante il tuo turno.
Metti in gioco 1 supporto Oggetto dalla tua mano. Alla fine del tuo turno, se quel supporto è ancora in gioco, rimettilo nella tua mano.
Latest Taboo
This card's ability now reads: "Put a level 0-3 Item asset into play from your hand."

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
I'd like to see someone hide the Chicago Typewriter up their sleeve! Whip that bad boy out, unload on a mob of goons at your location, then after the smoke clears and your stepping over the corpses, just return it to your hand! Awesome card!
Most people think guns when they think about this card, but imagine Rex Murphy pulling Strange Solution (Acidic Ichor) out of his sleeves, dealing 9 damage, and be ready to play that card normally the next round! Also great with a Flashlight.
Gotta love this card. It's use depends on the exact character you are playing, but the overall utility is the same:
Play a weapon with ammo and use it for one round cheaply.
- You can play Leo Anderson or Zoey Samaras and play a Lightning Gun for 1 resource, waste all the ammo, and still be ready to play it later again with full ammo.
- You can play "Skids" O'Toole, Jenny Barnes or Finn Edwards and play Lupara or Chicago Typewriter.
- You can play the vast majority of characters and a smattering of others and sneak out the Ornate Bow for an extra shot.
Obviously the card isn't bad when used to cheat out a less powerful weapon (.45 Automatic for example) cheaply and when you really need it.
The main downside to Sleight of Hand is that, if you have no worthy weapon in hand, or draw it too late and your weapons are already in play, then this card is totally useless. You really need to have a reasonable selection of weapons to choose from or ways to tutor them like Backpack or Prepared for the Worst.
The best case scenario for this card is super rewarding, but the worst case scenario (playing it for just the lone icon) really evens things out.
Sefina Rousseau, This, and Ornate Bow = potential 15 damage for 5 resources and 2 extra actions. Back her up with Backstab, and Sefina can now deliver that 3 damage burst pretty consistently (and cheaper than ever). I can't think of another investigator this would be better on.
I'm not clear what the intent of the latest Taboo is on this one.
I can see it restricts the items you can deploy to level 0-3.
Does it also cancel the "At the end of your turn" effect? Or just restrict the items you can deploy?
If it cancels the return, that seems to be 9/10ths of the value of the card gone?
With the latest Taboo(Put a level 0-3 Item asset), I think the card is still usable. Do note that you should bring sleight of hand only when the combo is really great / there's multiple potential combos.
Combo well
- Dexter Drake
- also try Enchanted Blade (also 3exp). Works at 0exp and can be further upgraded
- Police Badge 1cost, 2cards for two free actions, and an temporary aura? great
- Leo Anderson. Both cards work well in his deck separately(when you didn't managed to draw the combo).
- You should probably consider bringing the latest Cleaning Kit as well.
- Lupara, also from the rogue class.
- .45 Thomson. works at 0exp as well
- Ornate Bow. Rita might also be interested.
Some Combo
- Lola Hayes
- adds flexibility to her
- Old Hunting Rifle. Wendy, Also Rita.
- Schoffner's Catalogue
- a frequent occurence in Bob Jenkins decks. Not really that much profitable, but might encourage Bob to take those two cards.
- Lockpicks
0exp combo
- Subject 5U-21 eat it after you use it
- Flash Light
- Grim Memoir in Trish
- Thermos
- .45 Thomson
Quick search for remaining potential combo: