Lucky Wendy!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Wendy Adams +2 Core -Vizo 0 0 0 1.0

OzValdo · 691

Wendy's had a tough life - just look at her, don't you feel sorry for her...even the bad guys feel sorry for her, they can't seem to get hold of her...Lucky Wendy!

That's what this deck does. It gives you good luck. Lots of it. What's Wendy's good at is evading & exhausting her enemies. There's a lot of evasion in this deck - you may argue it's too much. But you need some cannon fodder for Wendy's special ability. Put Wendy's Amulet in play as soon as you play Lucky!, and that makes Wendy near invincible for the early scenarios. What Wendy can't do well is discover clues, especially at high-shroud locations. Ideally Wendy will synergise with a 2nd player who is good at this (like Roland).

Ideal opening hand: Dig Deep, Pickpocketing, Emergency Cache, Leo De Luca, and any one other card. Wendy would put in play either Leo De Luca or Pickpocketing straight away. Pickpocketing will save you a atleast 3 to 4 draws in the early scenarios. Dig Deep will help you get around those aweful will power treacheries that come out of the encounter deck - it's insurance policy.

Elusive, Dig Deep, Manual Dexterity, Cunning Distraction supports your evasion strategy. And if you don't need them, just use them on Wendy's special ability.

Sneak Attack, Backstab are your attack cards. Once Baseball Bat comes out you'll be surprised how good Wendy gets at killing enemies.

When Wendy has time on her hands, don't fret, she can still investigate. Although investigating is her weakest ability. Wendy should really try the weaker locations for collecting clues. "Look what I found!" & Flashlight can help although I throw Flashlight to Wendy's special ability since the #baseball is heavy to carry around for this little Urchin.

Wendy's weakness Abandoned and Alone will kill Wendy's Amulet & Lucky! combo, but if it comes before the combo is in play then you're laughing!

Upgrade strategy: x2 Lucky! replacing the old ones, and x2 Leo De Luca replacing the old ones again. In this order. If you did the first scenario well, you will get 6 experience points that gets you all of the above!

So that's it folks. Take good care of Lucky Wendy. Put that Leather Coat on her when you get the chance & I bet you'll get a warm feeling inside you helping an orphan....


Dec 09, 2016 Heyenzzz · 6878

Ever thought about adding Scavenging to your deck? It combos nicely with cards you use in your deck, like Leather Coat, Flashlight and Baseball Bat. I wrote a little review on Scavenging btw.

Dec 09, 2016 OzValdo · 691

Hey @Heyenzzz - Scavenging's great but much better when they come up with more 'fast' assets, otherwise it's just too action-intensive for the time being...