Muldonion Dynamite

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Mortishade · 149

building a multiplayer dynamite/grenade build that wont kill my team.

Themed upgrades: 2x Brother Xavier comming in for true grit 2x Charisma self explanatory Agency Backup expensive but so great when you find it with flare 2x Mk 1 Grenades becouse you need more dynamite

upgrade Dynamite Blast and Oops!

other upgrades: Stick to the Plan Ever Vigilant Flare

prioritize Charisma and Brother Xavier first. then you should get Stick to the Plan, Ever Vigilant and Flare in.

the 3 cards to stick to Stick to the Plan is FlareEver VigilantPrepared for the Worst