Monterey; Dashing Rogue or Studious Scholar?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

Myaora · 129

If you're playing solo, take out 2x "You handle this one!" and replace with 2x Intel Report

Upgrade order: 1) Replace Lucky Cigarette Case with Eon Chart as soon as possible; Eon Chart is the main power of the deck as it guarantees you two free actions; essentially 3 if you use one of them to move as that also gives you a resource or card at the end of your turn.

2) Replace Lockpicks with Prophesiae Profana; Make a location you expect to not return to the locus so you always have the bonus. Of course, if there's a location you need to leave from, make that the locus but that comes with knowledge of the scenarios.

3) Replace Dr. Milan Christopher with Gené Beauregard. You'll lose the additional resources from Dr. Milan Christopher but you'll gain a lot more flexibility in evading monsters and finding clues.

Upgrading Deduction to Deduction whenever you have some free experience

You've now spent 28 experience and should be nearing the end of a campaign. Take upgrades as you need them, I've left some suggestions in the side deck. If you want my suggestion for future upgrades; On the Trail is a great addition that lets you find clues OR, better yet, get those moves in to trigger your ability. On the Trail is definitely better but also costs more XP so take it as you see fit.


Nov 08, 2021 vak36 · 1

I like that here is everything not so Dunwich dependable anymore, just farm some exp and use some op books that I do not need Magn glass and other usual stuff. Is eon chart fine in the end with small amount of charges? Or need to charge? How do you handle mythos in solo?