William Yorick - Innsmouth true solo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Transmogrifier · 32

William Yorick deck intended for Innsmouth True Solo on Easy. Upgrade priorities: Granny Orne, better weapons (.18 Derringer, Old Hunting Rifle, Chainsaw).


Mar 11, 2022 Valentin1331 · 64836

Hey! Just a few comments on your deck :)

May I ask why are you using Granny Orne (0)? The only use I can see is to make use of "Look what I found!" on 3 shroud locations, but it seems like a big investment for such a niche use.

I would also advise to get the Enchanted Blade instead of the Baseball Bat, as it takes only one hand slot and therefore you can keep your Old Keyrings. Knowing that in true solo, investigating is your main task, you will not draw that many enemies.

In order to bring more enemies and take more advantage of the Evidence! and Scene of the Crime, I would advise to pack a On the Hunt or get the amazing upgraded version at some point.

Also to make sure that you do not spend a full scenario hoping to draw your Old Keyrings that are buried deep, I would add 2 Flashlight.

Good luck on your campaign!

Mar 11, 2022 Transmogrifier · 32

Thanks for the feedback!

Granny Orne (0) is mostly here as a placeholder, and could definitely be another Ally asset. She was my upgrade priority so her inefficiency was less of a concern. Pete Sylvester would work too but I went with her since I figured the passive +1 willpower was slightly more useful than the agility buff, but I also don't think I bothered putting her in play in the un-upgraded form.

Agreed about slotting in 1-handed weapons, but I have a limited collection so Enchanted Blade wasn't an option for me. .45 Automatic is worth considering here for the same reason, but cost lead me to leave it out.

I find Innsmouth drops plenty of enemies even in solo so I didn't struggle to get use out of Evidence/Scene of the Crime. That said, Evidence works fine to commit for icons if the encounter deck isn't cooperating and I usually end up using Scene of the Crime as a testless way to grab single clues from high shroud locations, so having an enemy present is rarely needed.

I built this deck pre-Edge of the Earth and if I were to run it again, I would want to try Short Supply as a way to get around the issues you mention about getting your hands on specific assets.