Shaggy & Scoob Investigate (Resourceful/Scavenging Toolbox)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Shaggy & Scooby 0 0 0 1.0

pyagiela · 1

Yes, this is another "Scavenging Pete" deck. But it should be said that Scavenging is a value engine that shouldn't be ignored. With the addition of Resourceful, the Survivor card pool can develop a graveyard toolbox for whatever need arises. The options aren't as strong as I would prefer, but it keeps growing.

As it stands, the Carcosa cycle has brought both Lantern and Gravedigger's Shovel as recurring Items that have one-shot effects for two of the most important aspects of the game: killing monsters and gaining clues.

As it specifically pertains to Pete, the Lantern is great after you've already used Duke for the turn and need to investigate on your own. Having a "Look what I found!" in reserve is nice for these attempts, to help fast track the clue generation of the group. Gravedigger's Shovel doesn't hit as hard as Duke or Fire Axe, but a 4 Combat skill check for 1 damage is still very reasonable as a secondary tank.

Resourceful allows us to play a lot of miser one-ofs to get back when they best fit our circumstances. Hiding Spot can be great when the whole group needs to get past a baddy at a single-location and its 2 Agility skill means it can be reasonable for skill checks even when you don't need the card effect. Bait and Switch has always been a pet card of mine that ties in with the Survivor's flavor of controlling monsters. Stray Cat is another miser for those times you need to scout or keep up with the group after you get a bad encounter draw. The rest of the Survivor cards don't seem powerful enough to include but as more packs roll I'm excited to see what situational "silver bullets" we gain.

Deduction, Perception and Overpower are there for your checks with Duke and Survival Instinct is there to shore up evasion attempts, but if your group is capable in that department, it could easily be swapped out for something else. Lucky! is a good stuff card that rounds out the deck, but feel free to include something else if you want to stack more weapons or events as your group needs.

What do you think? Is Yorick a better fit for the Scavenging Survivor archetype? Is Scavenging a better fit in a high intelligence Seeker build? What is the correct density of Survivor cards to take advantage of Resourceful, or have I overvalued that card?