Everybody loves Hank Samson

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ramun · 415

Hank Samson wasn't born with riches or endowed with great intelligence, but what he lacked in material wealth and scholarly prowess, he made up for with resourcefulness and a strong pair of hands. Despite the toils of farm life, Hank never hesitated to lend a hand to those in need. His selflessness became the cornerstone of his character, and his altruistic nature endeared him to everyone he met.

This deck is built around using the Assistant side of Hank's bonded investigator card, and fully embraces the assistant theme.


Once we swap our investigator card with its Resolute version, our base statline is 3/3/4/4.

With Granny Orne's static boost it becomes 4/4/4/4.

With Dark Horse it's 5/5/5/5.

With Pocket Multi Tool and Granny Orne abilities, it can virtually go up to 7/7/7/7.

Dark Horse is triggered by spending resources on Fire Axe or Dig Deep depending on if we are testing or /, adding yet another layer of stat boost.

12 skill cards and 10 events with 0-1 cost ensures we can always work with no resources. I specifically selected skill cards that immediately replace themselves with a card draw, to make up for the absence of tutoring cards.

Nightmare Bauble was a late include, but I thought it fitted with the "never fail a test" vibes in the deck.

Assisting others

We can tank damage/horror from others with our investigator ability.

Pocket Multi Tool , Granny Orne and Lucky!(3) can all be used on other investigators at our location to turn failed tests into successes.

"Let me handle this!" and Ward of Protection(2) protects them from encounter cards.

Stand Together gives them resources.

Finally, 12 skill cards is plenty enough to use a good amount of them on fellow investigators.


Feb 04, 2024 Zlatan · 163

I was looking for an assistant build for Hank and this looks interesting!

How quickly would you flip to Hank's resolute side? Were you actively taking damage/horror for you teammates?

With two weapons in a 35 card deck, how big of a problem was his weakness?

Feb 04, 2024 Ramun · 415

@Calidus Thanks! I actually haven't put my hands on the expansion yet so this is just theorycrafting (sorry I should have mentioned this somewhere).

You raise very valid questions that I ask myself too, especially how fast to switch to the resolute side. Obviously the deck is not clue focused, I made it so that it can work with the non-resolute card as long as needed.

ATM I would only voluntarily trigger the switch if:

  • My weakness already showed and was dealt with
  • I have the fire axe in play and either some anti-failure tech available (elusive keyword triggers even the attack fails) or good chances to evade (elusive keyword works only on ready enemies)