Parallel "Skids" O'Toole is doubling the Underworld Market

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

lucask · 1

This is a 29xp deck for parallel Skids. Non-taboo as I don't use the lists (too much hassle for a casual player like me). The weaknesses are generated at random for my plays but of course there should be simply 3 copies of Random Basic Weakness.

The deck is based on 2 core cards - Double, Double and Underworld Market.

Important part is having Double, Double in play as soon as possible. Putting 3 cards under Bewitching and having 2 copies of Black Market should make this easier. The deck is not focused on oversucceeding hence Lucky! instead of Daring Maneuver. It is more cluever focused with Cheap Shot as an emergency (alternatively it can be swapped for Stir the Pot depending on the scenario or even both events can be used replacing Breaking and Entering. Easy Mark supports economy (which should not be a problem with Skids' skill), doubled Scrounge for Supplies can return cards from discard pile (this can actually be looped once 1st copy is on discard - doubled SfS will return one copy from discard + another card), Ace in the Hole can provide extra 6 actions for an insane tempo boost. Finally Crystallizer of Dreams is a cherry on top allowing dual use of played events.

Underworld Market gives access to the necessary assets. Lockpicks/Thieves' Kit for clues and British Bull Dog for damage. If the role requires more firepower I'd swap Lockpicks for a gun (Colt Vest Pocket/Mauser C96 or even .45 Thompson). Tennessee Sour Mash helps deal with mythos and can work as an emergency weapon. Liquid Courage can provide some extra horror healing. In case it discards an important card Scrounge for Supplies can retrieve all but 6 cards.

Outside of this there are:

Leo De Luca for soak and extra tempo

Fox Mask mainly for boost - here Guardian of the Crystallizer and all evading events will help recharge the offerings

last but not least Nimble can work very nice with Skids' skill and provide a convienient move in any window