Card draw simulator
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DLloyd09 · 79
A fun deck that I recently took through a run of the fan-made Cyclopean Foundations campaign with a Harvey Walters that was very -heavy. Full upgrade history is included, though given the abundance of symbol tokens I should have prioritized some of the Living Ink upgrades a bit earlier.
Early on, before you are getting spells that boost your as part of their effect, mulligan for your stat boosting cards like Crystal Pendulum and Living Ink. Unfortunately, to be particularly effective, Amina really needs them early. Interpreting Dream Diary in Scenario 1 or 2 at the latest also is important, of course, because if you can get the Dream Diary (also a good mulligan target) in play you've got +2 or +4 to a single test each round. Later on in the campaign, Elle Rubash takes more of a priority in the mulligan, since she both assists with getting your doom under control (which lets you be more freewheeling with the economy), and gives the stat boost on top of that.
If not with another investigator who cares about tokens, consider Azure Flames instead of Armageddons, but you'll need a plan for the damage in the event the Flames backfire on you.
Amina takes more work than your typical fighter to get up and running, and to pilot overall. She's absolutely not the strongest or the best out there, but she is definitely fun when you can line up your pieces!
Something's weird with the upgrade history. Here's a summary of the upgrades that were done (not necessarily in this order):
- 2x Dream Diary --> 2x Dream Diary
- 2x David Renfield --> 2x Elle Rubash
- 2x Shrivelling --> 2x Shrivelling
- 1x Armageddon --> 1x Armageddon
- 2x Ceremonial Sickle --> 2x Abyssal Tome
- 2x Accursed --> 2x Ghastly Possession
- Living Ink gains:
- Subtle Depiction
- Eldritch Ink ()
- Macabre Depiction
- Vibrancy