Peter Sylvestre
Campione del Campus

Supporto. Alleato

Alleato. Miskatonic.

Costi: 3. XP: 2.

Salute: 1. Sanità Mentale: 3.

Ricevi +1 e +1 .

Dopo che il tuo turno è terminato: Cura 1 orrore a Peter Sylvestre.

Questo ragazzone dalle spalle larghe emana quella sicurezza che soltanto i giovani possono avere.
Arden Beckwith
L'Eredità di Dunwich #35.
Peter Sylvestre


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
Last updated


The upgraded Peter Sylvestre is the best horror sink in the game, and comes with a double passive stat boost. For 2XP each, he is a priority upgrade choice for some investigators, especially Agnes Baker.

jmmeye3 · 629
Add pain killers to heal damage and put that horror on him — Django · 5114
Two things: Yes, Peter is great with Agnes, He's great with Carolyn Fern too! — mogwen · 254
Second: Forbidden Knowledge! — mogwen · 254
He certainly makes it easier to deal with Rita's fragile 5 sanity. She loves the passive boosts, as well. — Zinjanthropus · 229
For Agnes, Peter Sylvestre(2) begs for picking up Charisma so you can pair him with Olive McBride. So good. — Lotharun · 2

One of the best cards around, here's why:

1: The ultimate horror soak! So long as you can keep him alive, It's a saved horror every turn. Because he can "fit" two at once, and horror effects typically hit in small bursts (often 2 or 3), you can "fill" up on some horror when it hits and slowly heal it in the aftermath. He completely takes the bite out of the worst horror treacheries in the game, the only real danger then to your sanity is a nasty enemy breathing down your neck with opportunity hits, or self inflicted pain (incidentally, one of the best solutions to the backlash of Shrivelling is having Pete around.

2: STATS! A +1 on two different stats is excellent for a single asset, and benefits multiple playstyles, whether you're harnessing to make evades and shoot an Ornate Bow or Enchanted Bow, or the to land spell charges like Shrivelling and Rite of Seeking, the other stats are still there and give you new options, help you pass localized tests like parlays and treachery tests, when your spells are empty you can evade.

Do keep in mind that both of his stats are "defensive stats", the vast majority of Treacheries that inflict skill tests target , and is up there as much less common, but still second place. Even if only defensively this guy is good, if you start looking down the barrel of late-campaign scenarios with some trauma in your bag, give him a look.

Tsuruki23 · 2558

He's a great partner for Agnes Baker, as someone noticed. Played whole Carcossa campaign and can't imagine it without that fella in, the value is just insane. Since he's the only ally I played in her deck, it kinda turned to a strong cougar feeling (here's my young boy), but no regrets there.

That +1 to running may seem insignificant, but it helps you against treacheries and since you also have access to Survival Instinct, you can take advantage of that.

Drego · 2