William Yorick, Deliverer of Beatdowns

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

larnth · 13

Prepared for the Worst taken in place of 2 other weapons because situationally you'll want to find ranged weapons (some scenarios required it). I think digging 9 cards deep is better than running 2 colts and 2 shovels... could be wrong.

Priority upgrades:


Relic Hunter (once you have at least one police badge, prefer 2)

2x Madame Labranche -> Aquinnah // The Red-Gloved Man

2x Oops! -> Police Badge

Later upgrades:

Gravedigger's Shovel -> Timeworn Brand

2x Will to Survive