American Sniper

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ElseWhere · 3941

Happiness is a warm gun.

Mark here is still getting himself together and trying to overcome his PTSD. He's no master strategist, but he's able to hold himself together and even discover a few clues with Scene of the Crime and Evidence!. His real job in this team, though, is to take the hits and dish them out.

To this end he has a number of tutors that will help him pull out his combat skills and weapons, including Prepared for the Worst, Practice Makes Perfect, and Tetsuo Mori (who has the added bonus of activating his card draw ability). He also has some healing to allow him to activate his passive ability a lot more frequently, helping him stay on top of any threats.

But a few scenarios from now, and after he's declared "Let God sort them out..." a few times, Mark will be a very different person. Having gained the high ground against his Shell Shock, he will be packing an excessive array of weapons and weapon upgrades, including Telescopic Sight and his improved (and Well-Maintained) .45 Thompson, along with some Custom Ammunition. He will spend his time maneuvering into locations with high shroud and sniping enemies nearby to activate Evidence!, while also staying out of range of enemy attacks so he can instead focus on using Sophie to buff his shots and fuel his passive.

Until then, let's hope he can survive a bit of horror and a lot of harm while gunning down anyone who would hurt his new friends.


Feb 06, 2020 Lucaxiom · 3984

"He will spend his time... staying out of range of enemy attacks" -Heretic Priest

...How Exactly? I see you've got one copy of Warning Shot, but that's it. AND you've taken Heroic Rescue, which is for getting stuck in, not staying out of range. You do have the option of Sophie to boost evasion attempts, but you've got barely any healing to keep doing that: ONE copy of Emergency Aid, one a Second Wind, and a Hallowed Mirror. Your know enemies spawn in engaged on you more often than not, right?

And... where are your weapons? You have three total, and only l one .45 Thompson which apparently is the centre-piece of your 'American Sniper Deck' (which by the way, doesn't have the ACTUAL sniper-rifle Springfield M1903, which is immensely disappointing). You might go some scenarios without ever seeing a weapon, let alone the one you want to attach Telescopic Sight to. It's laughable that you think Bandolier will ever be useful.

Expanding on your lack of weapons, basically all of your tutors are going to whiff more often than not, because there are far too few candidates for them to get in the top nine cards of your deck:

You need roughly six candidates minimum to reliably 'hit' a candidate on a nine card tutor, and more than that if you plan to do it more than once (like with Tetsuo).

Finally, where's your economy? your deck is expensive and you'll be drawing cards like there's no tomorrow, but you have no resource generation. Emergency Cache? Act of Desperation? Not even a Teamwork? Most of your cards will stay in your hand or become skill icon fodder simple because you wouldn't be able to play them.

...Yeah, I've not got much good to say unfortunately. It good that you've thought about other things to do other than fighting, though again Scene of the Crime require you to be at the location of the enemy, not dancing around them, and triggering "Let God sort them out..."? It costs an action to play, so you have two actions to do six damage, which as you deck stands, is not possible. If you're set on the sniping build, don't forget Marksmanship, and extra evade options.