Independent Faux Seeker Series: Agnes

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Agnes @ Girl's Night Out 0 0 0 1.0

FBones · 18692

This deck is part of a new series I'll be publishing: The Independent Faux Seekers Series.

The basic idea is that you might want to give yourself some extra challenge and play a game without any seekers (currently by far the strongest faction). The goal is to provide decks that accomplish two goals:

  • Allow a significant amount of clue finding
  • Allow the investigator to mostly take care of himself or herself

The second point means that these decks could be played solo or as an efficient part of a pair-play. Typically, it is most efficient for investigators to split up because otherwise you have to invest a lot of moves in each of you visiting all the locations.

This deck has no weapons in it. It is more efficient for Agnes to rely on her special ability and Shriveling to deal with her enemies. Note that Painkillers and Forbidden Knowledge both allow her to trigger her ability at will. This means you can do 3 points of damage (if necessary) to an enemy even if you have way of attacking. You can trigger one of these at the end of Mythos phase, trigger another during your turn, and then trigger again if an enemy attacks you, doing horror.

You want to either get Shriveling or Arcane initiate out early. Once you have the Initiate you should be able to find your spells (including Shriveling) quickly. In some cases you may have to rely on your partner to cover you if you are striking out on your opening hand. If you are playing this solo or on Standard Difficulty, you may consider adding Fire Axe as a backup. But on harder difficulties in pair play, prefer to let your partner cover you if you get a bad start. Agnes simply does not have a good enough economy to sustain a Fire Axe---Rites of Seeking are expensive!

Use Forbidden Knowledge to kill Arcane Initiate once you have used him, and before he causes doom to advance, or just replace him with Peter Sylvestre.

With this deck Agnes should only use her Flashlight if the shroud is 2 or as a prelude to "Look what I found!".

Agnes will want to upgrade immediately to Peter Sylvestre and then Grotesque Statue. After that you can consider various tracks:

  1. Bulletproof Vest + Scavenging (to scavenge the vest and Grotesque Statue, which essentially makes you invincible---note that Heirloom of Hyperborea is also nice to scavenge after using it for icons).
  2. Fearless <- Hard to go wrong with this.
  3. Song of the Dead <- gives you a bit more ammo.
  4. Blinding Light <- These can really be a life saver, and they count as a spell, so you will be picking them up quickly with the Arcane Initiate.
  5. Blood Pact & Moonlight Ritual