Wendy Never Fails

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

not_yeti · 13

This is a Wendy deck for Solo/Stand Alone, I play on Standard but would love this to work on hard.

The goal of this deck is to comfortably pass every skill test that she takes making good use of her ability to improve the odds of those tests. One of my goals was to benefit from passing tests (Lucky Cigarette Case, Pickpocketing) instead of just bypassing tests altogether with the exception of dealing damage, that is hard to work around.

At level 0 you might run up against some bad luck but with some upgrades you should get there..

Essential Upgrades:
Cornered - this is an obvious take, having the option to discard cards before and after the skill test begins makes your odds of success very high.
Stroke of Luck - helps you pass that one or two tests per scenario you don't have pips for, don't worry about dropping it early
Eucatastrophe - cancelling, necessary in this deck
Will to Survive - more cancelling for an entire turn!
Lucky! - It's just extra draw, what else needs saying

Upgrade Path 1 (Clues):
Lockpicks - never fail to get clues
The Black Cat - / cancelling really rounds you out and prevents some bad stuff

Upgrade Path 2 (Kills):
Ornate Bow - You can drop your sneak attacks or maybe your axe
The Red-Gloved Man - You're ally slot is not precious, why not drop him in?
Relic Hunter - Your relic slot might be in high demand so think about this, if you find yourself not wanting to chuck your cigarette case