Tommy has broken up with Becky, and now the knives are out.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Phoenixbadger · 197

Deck set up to attempt to make tommy less reliant on Becky. I figured Tommy because he quite likes taking damage, so long as he is in control of it all. Survival Knife pairs up nicely for doing extra attacks with all the engaged enemies.

Thoughts on overall playstyle for this deck is to have things that benefit from having enemies at Tommy's location, especially to try to get one or two early enemies Handcuffed and re-engaged so that they follow Tommy around, and Trench Knife can always be working at +2 or +3 to the strength tests. (plus 2 from the handcuffed enemies, and an extra 1 or more for the current enemy)

Decided that Riot Whistle replaces the need for Taunt.

The danger of Tommy always relying on Becky in this build is that she would start using up his resource generation (as ammo) for the soaks that will need to recycle... and if you have the soaks out, you can take the hits to allow trench and survival combo to work best. I've still put the Bandolier in, just in case, but ideally that would be used to have one Trench Knife and two Survival Knives.

A Chance Encounter works nicely for bringing allies back into play following Rookie Mistake (to be re-shuffled back into deck) or even for using another investigator's discarded ally assets.

Tommy works well with lots of resources being generated by his soaks... but if he has bitten off more than he can chew, then Survival Instinct or Cunning Distraction (or in even more extreme situations "I'll see you in hell!") are available to deal with being in a tricky spot.


Feb 02, 2021 The Comforter · 132

I think I had the exact same thought process building my Tmmy deck for multiplayer ("They don't call him "Down and Dirty" Muldoon for Nothin' ")! And mine's definitely less optimized to be mORe thematic, so this is beautiful for examining what a more consistent build would look like.

Just two thoughts: "I'll see you in hell!" feels like a one-of, even with its icons. Similarly, while Survival Instinct feels like a good move, it would require a low-evade enemy to pull off. I Don't necessarily have a replacement suggestion, but dropping One-of each would free up two slots, maybe for more general icons (Overpower, Unexpected Courage), clue tech (doesn't seem like you want it), or even some draw power (Take Heart springs to mind).

Also, TIL you can engage exhausted enemies -- nifty combo with the Handcuffs!

Feb 02, 2021 Phoenixbadger · 197

Yeah, thanks. Defo low on the clue tech I know. Might benefit from Alice Luxely as an additional soak as well OR Scene of the Crime which Does work particularly well with handcuffs (Tommy handcuffs the criminal and drags them around all Over the place to find the loaction that needs double clues). Single player I would remove some of the engage-tech and include much more clue-tech.