Turning my friends into money

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

TheFinalLancer · 1

Fully designed to stand behind a wall of assets and shoot over the accompanying pile of corpses, this deck leverages Tommy's ability to keep those assets cycling back into his deck to generate resources. The standard Tommy kit of Something Worth Fighting For, True Grit and the Survival Knife/Bandolier combo for those times when you can't quite kill everything in one turn. Becky does Becky things, and Prepared for the Worst helps you get Becky so that you can start the meatgrinder. Throw in Steadfast to follow your cluever around, and and Hand of Fate just in case you get separated. To top it off, Hallowed Mirror, Emergency Aid and Solemn Vow for those moments when the mythos deck decides it doesn't like someone.