Sefina, the eldritch gunslinger.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

rodro · 156


Photo credits: Sefina art by Arkham Files, Fantasy Fly Games. Gun image by, edit by me.

So, I had an idea like a year ago about making a gun build for Sefina. I didn't have the knowledge nor the experience in this game to think what needs to be done to pull somewhat of a funcional build.

Now I do. I haven't try this... YET. I will, someday.

It doesn't look that good, but hey, hear me out, because I think that I may be onto something.

This deck focus around playing a very aggresive Sefina, running a fair amount of draw to find your assets ASAP and a ton of resource generation to pay assets and deal free damage with Sefina's GF Delilah O'Rourke and a great array of ofensive, defensive and utility spells to fulfill your guns 'n magic fantasy. It is purely thematic, for having fun in Normal mode.

This gunner Sefina is best paired with a cluever since the clue getting potential of this deck is insufficient.

How do we make this work? Sefina only has 2 base , she find herself in a spot where she is just worse than all those 3 Rogue like Finn (prime swift gunner), Skids, Jenny and Winni. We'll need to use Sefina's strengths to make something viable:

  • The card pool is just too good. The Scarlet Keys and The Feast of Hemlock Vale provide a ton of option for fighters that aren't Tony. Dirty Fighting and British Bull Dog are basically the new standart for this mid-low fighters. .25 Automatic rewards you for having high . Money will never be a problem, and you have options to bump your and stats thanks to some allies and assets like The Moon • XVIII.

  • Sefina has a pretty cool card pool. 0-2 access means having access to lot of cool and diverse events and to some interesting assets, so she can be pretty flexible. This access can also mean having access to a lot of powerful low EXP assets.

  • Sefina likes events because of her own Forced interaction and because of the possibility to replicate them with The Painted World, making her one of the most unique investigators of the whole game. Because of how is she designed, she can be pretty consistent. Having beneath her a bunch of events to replicate with The Painted World means she can possibly have more copies of money, card draw, damage, investigate, protection and ammo reload events than any other investigator of the game.


Sefina can have a rocky start if our initial hand is bad. Having 18 events different than The Painted World means we should be hitting 5 events in the majority of the scenarios.

The events we want beneath Sefina the most are:

  • Swift Reload. This deck runs only 4 gun-cards, the only ones Sefina can properly use. Keeping them loaded should be your priority, because she will be burning through the ammo pretty fast.

  • 2º Card draw / Tutor. Parallel Fates beneath Sefina means having a ton of control of your draws, and it can look for key assets. Eldritch Initiation will be at its worst 2 card draw for 1 resource, but if we feed the Binder's Jar it can become a pretty efficient 4 draw for 1 resource card. One Easy Mark beneath Sefina will get you a ton of money and some draw if you happen to draw another Easy Mark and you play it alongside Sefina's exclusive event.

  • 3º Money. Bank Job is a ton of money for you and your teammates without any drawback besides being a Double card. Easy Mark for the same reasons I mentioned above.

  • 4º/5º Fight / Investigate events. Read the Signs beneath Sefina means she can occasionaly flex in her free time if there aren't enemies to beat, but you should be aiming for Spectral Razor or Explosive Ward to have damage consistency in case you don't want to burn through your guns.

The game plan is simple: Play a money event in your first turn if possible, since the majority of your assets are expensive. If not, try to play your draw events to get a desirable initial hand. Once you are there, play everything you need to succeed. Prioritize Delilah O'Rourke and Dirty Fighting to have a solid enemy management-damage engine, but if you don't get there, you have events to rely on.

You want to play Binder's Jar as fast as posible, since it empowers Explosive Ward testless damage and Eldritch Initiation cheap card draw while providing a bit of a shield against enemy attacks that you may suffer, being the muscle of the team.

Manual Dexterity and Overpower can help you hitting and evading enemies while providing a ton of card draw, adding to the more than ok consistency of the deck.

Doing damage with this deck is fairly easy, you'll see why:

  • For non elites, Explosive Ward is testless 2-4 damage and Spectral Razor is 3 damage after a base 6 test (7 if Delilah is on the table, 8 if an enemy is exhausted and Dirty Fighting is on your table, 9 if both). You can even play Spectral Razor after Dirty Fighting triggers for action compression.

  • Paying Delilah O'Rourke. This builds runs two copies of Bank Job and Easy Mark not just for the asset cost, but for gunning exhausted enemies for 2 testless damage paying her .

  • Gunning enemies with .25 Automatic and British Bull Dog by themself isn't really viable, since you'll be testing 4 against enemies that usually have 2-4 combat stats. Even then, it is your most reliable way to kill bosses (+ dealing testless damage paying for Delilah O'Rourke's ). Delilah O'Rourke will up your gun combat test to 5, and Dirty Fighting can also up your combat test by 2 if you exhaust an enemy. Having your whole setup you can avoid an enemy (base 5 with Delilah, base 6 with The Moon • XVIII) and then gun 2 times because of .25 Automatic and Dirty Fighting s solving at the same time. Ideally, you'll be gunning after a successful avoid action two times, once with the British Bull Dog with a 8 base combat test and then once with the .25 Automatic with a 7 base combat test, potentially dealing 4 damage per action once in a turn. To major effect, going akimbo with .25 Automatic means that you could fight 3 times because all the assets s for a potentially wooping 6 damage per action once in a turn. If you run low on ammo, reload your guns with Swift Reload and keep going.

TLDR: Pay for damage and gun for damage abusing broken mechanics when your key assets are ready.

Other events like Read the Signs and Deny Existence are in this deck for versatily and survivability. Getting clues once in a while will accelerate the clue-getting parts of a scenario and Deny Existence is just my favourite card. Damage soak shouldn't be an issue even with 5 health, since you can cancel attacks with Binder's Jar and Delilah O'Rourke is beefy enough, and you should have the money to pay for her another time if she dies.

Maybe not the best deck, I have to try it to see if I'm a fraud or if I cooked something decent.


Aug 29, 2024 david6680 · 63

I like what you are trying to do but Sefina is such a good flex with all those powerful events she can use that I have trouble building her any other way.

Aug 29, 2024 rodro · 156

@david6680I agree with you, this is not an optimal Sefina build by any means, she is so much better abusing of high money cards, playing a bunch of tricks with Chuck Fergus and using Double, Double with her strongest events, but a little experiment won't hurt anyone. Just wanted to do a kinda thematic build.