An extroverts' approach to Cthuluh

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Amplifae · 8


Are you tired of your usual allies? Have you pondered flirting with your enemies? Look no further. Beguile those sent to kill you, build your own entourage and become the new face of your friendly neighborhood cult.

The Beginning (0 Exp)

You can do a little bit of everything by simply talking. And you can do that so well, you get an additional action to talk during each of your turns. Parley to deal damage, find clues, draw cards, gain resources or evade enemies, but your main focus will be on convincing your enemies to do your bidding. For that Beguile and Power Word are the tools of your trade. For placing Beguile on a creature both you and the creature must be in the same location, BUT the parley action can be used from anywhere. That means you can leave your beguiled minion in place and use that parley action to keep your minion evaded and exhausted in place or use that minion to keep another creature (ie a hunter) locked in that location. Another use might be leaving your beguiled minion in place to finish investigating that "Victory 1" location while you and the party proceed with your quest. Power Word has in its clean state with the chosen taboo list only "Go" as a command available, which can be usefull for clearing a location or keeping a creature in position for synergies with Trish Scarborough passive.

Update 1 - 6 Exp (Total 6 Exp):

  • Power Word - Tonguetwister (3 Exp)
  • Power Word - Distract (1 Exp)
  • Power Word - Cower (1 Exp, checked Mercy here in Cowers' stead as I cant find the tabooed version of its' upgrade sheet with its updated state)
  • Power Word - Betray (1 Exp)

Change in Playstyle

Keep Power Word'd enemies with you as your personal minions. By using "Tongue Twister" you can issue two commands at once. First command is "Cower" to keep your minion exhausted but still engaged with you. As your second command use either "Betray" or "Distract", depending on your minions skill and the need for damage oder evasion. Beware for special traits of the creature you are choosing as your minion. If your minion starts endangering you (ie special trait or a treachery upgrade), you can send them away with the "Go" command or use Stir the Pot for a clean getaway. But if it needs to be killed, your only hope will be a Backstab or your allied investigators.

Update 2 - 7 Exp (Total 13 Exp):

Been a while since I played. I wanted to update Power Word even more, but each update counts as 1 xp for that card and a 6 xp card is not allowed. So for now we take Greater Control to retrieve Power Word, when a minion lived out its usefulness. For the remaining Exp, I decided to get a dynamite like Stir the Pot for now, until I restored my understanding of this deck. :-3