Dexter recycles responsibly

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

techoatmeal · 15

This is a 19 Experience build. Calculations of Bonus experience by scenario 6: If you are on average earning around 3 experience per scenario and you hold on to Delve Too Deep for a long time then
19 +12 + 6 = 37 (but only spending 10 bonus xp in this build example). This deck should be "built" in time for shorter campaigns such as Hemlock Vale, Dream Eaters, or a speedrun through The Skarlet Keys.

Note: The Overpower combat pips may seem odd, but is a great way to shore up an attack as well as replace itself with another card (twice if played first from the Atlas). Since Spectral Razor is still a combat check, it is useful to boost that spell. You would also be able to use it for more card draw due to the Astronomical Atlas effect. If you would rather bolster a lower stat, either a Manual Dexterity to shore up defense, or repurpose this deck for clue pickup with Perception. However, it will be easier to get that card draw off of an Overpower (or even a Guts). Eventually we could replace it with a better tech card such as Mesmeric Influence, which is a passive Mind Wipe that we could possibly use twice per card.

The theory of this deck: Get out Astronomical Atlas and either Scrying or Scroll of Secrets in play. We will then use that scry ability to find the skills and spells and stack them on the top of the deck to be fast attached to the Atlas. Then use those cards to hopefully over commit with cards from hand or on Crystallizer of Dreams. This will allow us to recycle our Skill up to 2 times in one deck cycle, as well as be able to commit the Events up to 2 times, first via Astronomical Atlas, and then with Crystallizer of Dreams.The skill icons on the events in this deck are very flexible as well as assisting on being great defense cards in their own right. The dream being able to play a Ward of Protection in Mythos Phase. Then being able to commit that card as well as a Quick Thinking from underneath Astronomical Atlas in an Alchemical Transmutation test to be up by 5. Then using that extra action to move or engage. Then be able to Play a Spectral Razor to ping an elusive enemy with a Mesmeric Influence. Then maybe play a Shrivelling via Dexter's ability to potentially finish off that enemy before they move.

Economy: Alchemical Transmutation is in the deck both as an easy test for your Atlas events, as well as for resource economy to eventually play those spells. David Renfield is also mostly economy, but could easily be replaced with a Dayana Esperence to use those powerful Events more often, or even at lvl0 with Olive McBride's as a way to more reliably recur the upgraded Spectral Razor.

Shortcomings: Besides starting with 4 trauma... Card draw is slow. Dexter's Elder Sign helps but is unreliable. Unfortunately, Due to the way Astronomical Atlas operates, you do not want that card draw because you need to pick up those cards from the top of your deck. Perhaps the best card for this deck could be Friends in Low Places with the Versatile and Clever upgrade and "Item, Spell" as the traits to better find nearly everything in the deck and plan your next 5 turns. You can make a case to take out the Ward of Protections to put this in. But with Ward and with Deny Existence you will have much easier turns after getting easy mythos phases.

Next card to upgrade could be Scroll of Secrets more as tech to push weaknesses found with Astronomical Atlas to the bottom of your deck, but at lvl0 it is decent card draw or a way to prep Astronomical Atlas with a card you would want to attach to it. Other Upgrades could be to finish upgrading Alchemical Transmutation, Deny Existence, or Shrivelling.

  • Delve Too Deep > second Astronomical Atlas
  • 2 Overpowers > 2 Mesmeric Influence

If you do not want to use In the Thick of It then I would recommend Olive McBride instead of David Renfield and then put Speak to the Dead in there to recycle your mythos mitigation spells or kill spells when appropriate. Promise of Power does put in curse tokens to help this at level 0. You are also not buying many new cards, so Down the Rabbit Hole can be used for insane experience gains or as a replacement for the Arcane Research.