Darrell Simmons Cluver

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Braccus_Rex · 1

Simple Darrell Simmons deck. Try to find the Dr. Milan Christopher and Vergrößerungsglas or Düstere Memoiren in the mulligan. The Rucksack can help if u can't find them.

For better cluving power use „Sieh mal, was ich gefunden habe!“ and combo of Übung macht den Meister plus Deduktion or Wahrnehmung.

For the card draw use Wahrnehmung and Heureka!. The cards Nachtschicht einlegen or Notfallausrüstung are the resources generator.

With Okkulte Anrufung are you able to fight an enemy. Glückspilz! and Logisches Denken are for defense. Last Abkürzung to move easier from place to place.