Teen Witch Rita (Level 0 Version w/ Upgrade Path)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Teen Witch Rita (Parley Recursion Guide) 12 7 6 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

ElseWhere · 5243

Hey folks! I had a few requests for a level 0 version of this deck, so I decided to put one together to make taking Teen Witch Rita out for a spin a little easier!

Check out the main deck/article here: https://arkhamdb.com/decklist/view/53481/teen-witch-rita-parley-recursion-guide-1.0

High-Priority Upgrades:


Further Improvements:

These upgrades can be taken more or less whenever you feel you need them (including before any previously-listed cards in the path). No particular order necessary.

  • Bewitching is a MASSIVE boost to your consistency. Whenever you feel you can spare the 4-6xp, get this.

  • Upgrade 2x Peter Sylvestre to improve your resilience to all the extra encounter cards you're drawing

  • Sparrow Mask –> Dirty Fighting to give you Vamp stat boosts in case you don't draw Fine Clothes early or it gets destroyed by a treachery. This also gives you some nice combat boosts for the Sledgehammer, but it's mainly here as Fine Clothes insurance.

  • 1x Pelt Shipment –> Grisly Totem if at any point you're struggling with economy, grab this and you can pitch a Take Heart every round for the rest of the game. Resources and cards will no longer be an issue.


As I mentioned in the main write-up, grabbing a high-level "spell" to personalize your Witch Rita is a fun luxury buy. Good Weather, Fickle Fortune, and Alter Fate are a few of my favorites.

Plus, you can customize your weapon, either upgrading the Sledgehammer I've included or swapping for a Chainsaw, Old Hunting Rifle, etc.