Contrary to another reviewer, I do not think this card is an auto-include on Tommy Muldoon. In fact I think the card is rather mediocre on him. You want to be placing damage/horror directly on assets on Tommy to get rid of them sooner. Wrong Place, Right Time encourages you to place damage on your investigator and then move them off of you to defeat your assets. Waiting until you can defeat multiple assets simultaneously with Wrong Place, Right Time seems counter-productive on Tommy, since you could have killed off the assets yourself to gain resources sooner, and then used the two actions (and 1 card) from playing this card to draw cards the regular way. Wrong Place, Right Time may help you later on in the scenario since some damage/horror will inevitably leak onto Tommy himself, but usually I'm not very willing to spend multiple actions to draw a couple cards late into a scenario.
Wrong Place, Right Time is however a lot stronger in multiplayer when played with Tommy, when another investigator can use this to place damage/horror on Tommy's assets to defeat them.
The best use of this card is in a deck that can take advantage of the big heal, and ideally plays a lot of assets that are expendable (e.g. Leather Coat, Cherished Keepsake, Improvised Shield) and assets you are encouraged to get rid of (e.g. "Devil", Hunting Jacket, Brother Xavier, Tetsuo Mori). Hank Samson is an example of an investigator who could run this, since you can even circumvent the "no healing allowed" on the bonded side of Hank.
I am also eager to try this out on Agnes Baker, who really benefits from being able to move horror off her. Agnes Baker can also conveniently run assets like Hunting Jacket and "Devil" which work well with Wrong Place, Right Time.
Overall though, while this card may have some niche uses, the high action cost really limits the playability of the card. On the plus side, it is also 2 willpower/2 agility commit card, which is rather rare for level 0 events.