Lazy Investigator Roland Banks

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Lucaxiom · 4103

What's that? You're an investigator with access to seeker cards but you only have a middling intellect? Are you a bureau federal agent but can't get a clue in a shroud 4 location? Don't you just wish that clues would land in your lap while you go more exciting things, like punching monsters? Well look no further than the lazy investigator deck for Roland Banks!

So what do you need? Art Student, Evidence!, Scene of the Crime, Working a Hunch, and True Understanding are the four deck defining cards, and should make clear what you're looking to do during a scenario. Coupled with Roland Banks's investigator ability, and you'll be laughing at shroud 4 or higher locations that might give even Daisy Walker pause.

Thus, your strategy when using this deck is to squat at the location with the highest shroud value and arm yourself with whatever weaponry you care to bring along. Remember that a lot now rides on you successfully defeating enemies, so don't skimp out on extra damage and combat boosts.

Then, you wait, until an enemy spawns at your location (which can be helped along with "Let me handle this!" and On the Hunt) and then you do your thing. In the interim, you can play Art Student or Working a Hunch, or else just draw cards and gain resources; have patience, this deck works in bursts.

To round out the deck, Crack the Case and Logical Reasoning are heavily recommended. Crack the Case's variable difficulty for variable rewards gets completely circumnavigated by a lazy investigator; shroud 4 locations will be cracked as easily as shroud two ones, so just go for the highest reward possible, you go-getter you. Logical Reasoning on the other hand is a workhorse card; a personal preference of mine for it's extreme flexibility in dealing with the mythos deck.

Dr. William T. Maleson perhaps has the weakest reason for inclusion. His effect is not very strong, but what matters is that sometimes, you aren't inconvenienced if you drop a clue, as you'll pick it back up through some card effect for free (Roland's ability or Scene of the Crime come to mind). Even without using his ability, he has the cheapest damage soak in the game, which alone might justify his inclusion.

And that's it. Thoughts? Suggestions? Critiques? Please let me know.


Aug 30, 2019 Finley1 · 1

Blackjack over machete?

Aug 30, 2019 Lucaxiom · 4103

Playing with Taboo List.

Jun 23, 2020 MrGoldbee · 1433

Greta'll be fun here!