Burglar Finn with Lola and Delilah

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

The Lynx · 972

Burglar Finn

This is a concept deck for a Burglary centered deck. Burglarly (either version) is a pretty mediocre card in the best situation and basically unplayable for most investigators.

But Finn is a criminal and he also has a 4. Combo that with Lola Santiago and he is now a 5. Unfortunately 5 isn't going to make Burglary tests very profitable. That is where High Roller or Well Connected come in. Finn is now stealing at a 6-8. He probably wants to avoid 4+ shrouds but he should be able to get 3-5 resources per theft.

Finn's role in the team

A Lot Of Clues

Some Untested Damage


It will obviously be very expensive to activate both Lola and Delilah each round but Delilah is mostly for enemy management and on any round where Finn is free then he can use Burglary once, Lockpicks once and either move or do a normal investigate.

If you are playing True Solo or 2p then you will probably want Lone Wolf in the deck.


Finn will obviously prefer to evade every enemy with this deck. He can be at a 4-6 which should be effective most of the time. He can also tap into Well Connected or High Roller when needed to boost his evasion.

Alternatively you could swap in Cat Burglar for Delilah O'Rourke and find room for Elusive and just run away from danger the entire time.


He will always struggle with his 1. Unexpected Courage and Lucky can help him pass an occasional test. He also has Logical Reasoning to get rid of treacheries in play or heal a little horror.

It will take some time to get setup since there are a lot of assets. There is some redundancy in the assets though so Finn doesn't need to get many of them into play to get going.


I doubt that this would be the strongest Finn deck ever but I bet he would do pretty well as a cluegetter. I have no idea when I will play through it or in what scenario but it looks fun. This is just a concept deck that shows that one person (and maybe Jenny) can make Burglarly work. The card has a great theme for the game but it is a poor implementation and it is a very weak card overall.


Apr 19, 2020 The Lynx · 972

Substitute Magnifying Glass (or Hawk-Eye Folding Camera) for Lucky!. Lucky is a great card but this deck can use extra to maximize Burglary

Apr 19, 2020 Zinjanthropus · 226

This is a really interesting deck. Nice to see Burglary actually being useful.