William Yorick Sunbro

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

stormwaker · 142


Inspired by the article of rite of seeking: Ancient Sun Warrior Yorick https://riteofseeking.com/2020/12/26/innsmouth-deck-tech-ancient-sun-warrior-yorick/amp/

Remember those Yorick decks using Old Hunting Rifle + Will to Survive to have explosive turns circumventing the rifle's weakness? You can avoid the rifle jamming and abuse tabooed .35 Winchester damage if you manage to consistently draw bless tokens and exhaust Ancient Covenant.

Core of the deck

Favor of the Sun is how you make sure drawing bless tokens when you need them.With Yorick's recursion you can have as many uses of Favor of the Sun as you need, as long as you kill enemies (which you will be doing).

Now, how do you generate bless tokens? At level zero you are limited to Keep Faith and recursion of it via Resourceful but when you level up you can add Spirit of Humanity for infinite bless token generation.

To tank damage caused by Spirit of Humanity you can use at level zero Peter Sylvestre and Leather Coat. When you level up you can add Jessica Hyde and Cherished Keepsake. And when you are swimming in XP add Charisma and use both Peter Sylvestre and Jessica Hyde.

Economy and consistency

For paying your cards you have Emergency Cache and Rite of Sanctification. And in case you need to fight and your weapons jam or run out of ammo, just Act of Desperation kill an enemy and get them back with Yorick's ability.

Upgraded Vicious Blow lets you hit for 5 damage per shot! And upgraded Overpower will get you plenty of cards.

I added Prepared for the Worst for consistency, as you need to get your weapons out as soon as possible, and Evidence! to get the ocasional clue and help your clue gathering partner. But feel free to change and polish the deck yourself.

Level zero deck

Instead of Old Hunting Rifle you have Baseball Bat. Jessica Hyde at level zero is Leather Coat. Instead of Spirit of Humanity you start with Unexpected Courage. Favor of the Sun can be for example "Let me handle this!" at level zero.

have fun and praise the sun!