The Crangy Adventures of Zoey Samaras

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ThoKes31 · 1

First try of a beginner Deck for Guardian Zoey. Let me know what I could improve !


Jun 15, 2023 NightgauntTaxiService · 373

First off, I appreciate you trying to give Zoey some clue-finding capabilities, but taking up both your ally slot (Dr. Milan Christopher) and one of your hand slots (Flashlight) to become okay at clue-finding seems like too much effort for too little reward. If you do want to include some investigative capabilities in this deck, I would recommend either buying the Jacqueline Fine Investigator Pack for Clairvoyance or The Circle Undone/The Wages of Sin for Sixth Sense, allowing you to investigate at a decent level right off the bat. Alternatively, lean into the event-based clue-finding you already have by swapping out Dr. Milan Christopher and Flashlight for two copies of Working a Hunch or, if you have The Scarlet Keys, Kicking the Hornet's Nest.

Next, swap the 2x Kukri for 2x Machete. 9 times out of 10, the Machete will be better. In addition, I would recommend replacing either the .32 Colt or .45 Automatic with a second copy of the other one, partially because I prefer one pair of copies of a card to two single copies but also to increase consistency. On a similar note, I would recommend swapping out First Aid for a second copy of Prepared for the Worst; 1 for 1 point of healing (Damage or Horror) is really not that good, while additional consistency in finding weapons helps you at your main task of monster fighting.

Intrepid is a bit iffy, but Zoey Samaras does have high base and I do like the card, so it's up to you whether or not to include it. Hyperawareness, though, I would personally cut; generally speaking, you shouldn't be trying to make or tests, so cutting Hyperawareness for cards that help you either avoid those tests (Working a Hunch, A Test of Will) or survive the consequences of those tests (Deny Existence, soak like Fine Clothes) will allow you to get more bang for your buck.

Hope this helps, and let me know if you have any questions.

Jun 15, 2023 SilverTwilightLodgeJanitor · 7

Hi there, thanks for the deck. I would consider taking Survival Knife --- and then definitely its upgrade --- if you aren't going for two-handed weapons anyway. For wielding a weapon without cramming your hand slots, the Brand of Cthugha and its upgrade are awesome, though this would class with the clue spells which the Taxi Steed has recommended (awesome user name by the way ^^). I'd upgrade Dodge to "I've had worse…" at some point. Not sure if this is supposed to be a solo deck (the focus on clues seems to suggest that it is), but if it's for multiplayer, then Stand Together is an outstanding card. Finally, as soon as you have the XP for Relic Hunter, simply swap in Hallowed Mirror for all of your healing needs.

Jun 17, 2023 ThoKes31 · 1

First of all, thank you guys for the quick review. It was my first ever try to publish a deck so I just gave it a shot :) Thanks to your advises I will think about updating the deck and test playing it today :) Let you know how it went