Jenny Gets a Magic Compass

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Spending It All For Izzie (High Roller/Dark Horse Combo) 21 12 8 1.0
Jenny Gets a Magic Compassfgjfgjfj 0 0 0 1.0
Jenny "Die Glückliche" Barnes 0 0 0 1.0

Fitzz · 1432

Jenny dates Jack and gets a Magic Gift


Credit: Microsoft Paint & Google Images


— Hiya, Jenny.

— Hi Jack.

— Do you wanna go for a ride?

— What?

— Never mind. So you usually end up at the bottom of investigators' tier lists.

— What can I say? It's tough to get anywhere being a 3.

— Well. I know of an artifact with which you could compete with the top ladies.

— Oh, please. They think they're so cool for wearing intellectual glasses or a shity red scarf.

— Here you have. This is my Magic Compass.


Table of Contents
  • Overview

  • Main Strategy

  • Deck Explanation

  • Tips and Combos

  • Upgrade Path

Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Enemy Management: ★★☆☆☆
Clue-getting: ★★★★★
Encounter protection: ★★☆☆☆
Survivability: ★★★☆☆
Economy: ★★★★★
Card Drawing: ★★★★☆

Main Strategy

Deck Explanation
  • Two Mariner's Compass theoretically enable you to get 4 clues per turn. That's huge. The drawback is that you must have 0 resources. If you boost your first investigation, you have no boost for the second or for playing other cards. And once you get to 0 resources, many decks struggle to gain the necessary ones to continue playing cards. This can be compensated in several ways, as with a low-assets skill-intensive deck. But here is another way: High Roller.

  • Say you have in play High Roller, Mariner's Compass and 6 resources. Investigate with Mariner's Compass, paying 3 resources with each card. This gives you a +5 and leaves you with 0 resources. If you are successful (most likely except for ), you will get 2 clues and 3 resources back. This is the core's deck combo.

  • Let me best explain the interactions of the deck with an example. Assume you have in play:

    1. Say you start your turn with 3 resources, +2 from Lone Wolf + Stylish Coat5 resources.
    2. You first investigate with Mariner's Compass, commiting 2 resources to it and 3 to High Roller. This makes you investigate at 8. You succeed, getting 2 clues and 3 resources back.
    3. You now make a second investigation with the non-exhausted Mariner's Compass, commiting your 3 resources, at 7 (if you are in hard, shroud 4 and need a +4, you can commit a card from hand). You succeed, getting 2 clues and having 0 resources in your pool.
    4. You gain 1 resource with your last action (and you may move to a new location if you have Leo De Luca).
    5. At upkeep, you will gain 2 resources. This puts you at 3, exactly the same number you started with last turn. So you can repeat a similar process 1-4 next turn, moving to new locations if needed and consistently getting 4 clues per turn at 8 and 7.
  • This is just a possible interaction that captures the deck's spirit. There are other ways to sustain two high Mariner's Compass investigations per turn, as having 2 High Roller or Streetwise.

  • You can also go 3 clues per turn mode while waiting for all the pieces. Say you commit 3 resources to Mariner's Compass, +1 from Magnifying Glass, +1 from Dr. Milan Christopher = 8. You get 2 clues and play some resource gaining card (Easy Mark, Cheat the System, etc. + Stylish Coat) to boost a second basic investigation with Streetwise. You Dr. Milan Christopher to gain 1 resource, +2 from upkeep, starting next turn with 3 resources again.

Tips and Combos
  • Your main aim is to settle a similar game state to that mentioned in the previous example, abusing Mariner's Compass to generate two high investigations per turn that will discover 4 clues.

Upgrade Path

In upgrading the deck from its present state:

0XP Version:

Upgrade Priorities

Opening Image Finalists



To create your own guides, find the fantastic template Valentin1331 has created here_


Jul 21, 2023 dscarpac · 891

Dr. Milan is unfortunately a nombo with Mariner's Compass. He'll gain the resource for you (ST.6) before Mariner's Compass checks how many resources are in your pool (ST.7). Still, I like the High Roller combo, and I don't think Dr. Milan is crucial for the deck.

Jul 21, 2023 HungryColquhoun · 6645

I like the deck, it's a cool idea! My only thought is the timing of when High Roller and Mariner's Compass work together, as they are both triggered "if you succeed" - do you get to pick in these circumstances which goes first?

I'll tag @dscarpac directly above as he seems wise in the ways of timing!

Jul 21, 2023 Fitzz · 1432

@dscarpac That is very true! Thanks for pointing this out, already corrected in the deck's explanation. Yes, as you mention, I don't think it makes a significant difference.

@HungryColquhoun Thank you! If I'm not wrong, both trigger at ST.7, so you can choose the resolution order. I asked about it when creating the deck, but further confirmation will be very welcomed (@dscarpac).

Jul 21, 2023 Ralvher · 8

I think upgrading streetwise only liberates one deck slot (the one upgraded). The other remains in the deck.

Jul 21, 2023 Valentin1331 · 64140

Nice! I've been trying hard to work this deck out, with Fire Axe and Dark Horse, but eventually giving up because I couldn't reach some satisfying results!
For the record, this is what my latest version was.

Happy you could update the good ol' Dark Roller theme!!

Jul 21, 2023 dscarpac · 891

Yep, you can order the timing of skill test results (If you succeed...) in ST.7 in any way you like!

Jul 24, 2023 ElseWhere · 4351

This rocks!! The High Roller combo is so cool, and seeing Jenny of all investigators pull off a slick Dark Horse deck is very satisfying!

Speaking of Dark Horse, have you considered adding it? It could reasonably replace Mag Glass, and would allow you to slip in a one-of Fire Axe to become a hybrid with almost no effort. But that would also disrupt the thematics a bit, and weaken your Cheat the System, so maybe disregard that.

Jul 29, 2023 Fitzz · 1432

@Ralvher Yep, you are right, probably I didn't express it clearly enough. With 'liberate' I meant to say that you no longer need Streetwise in the main deck.

@Valentin1331 Hey, thanks for your comments! I had very good results in Midnight Masks and Edge of the Earth, but only as a cluerer. It is amazing when you can sustain two Mariner's Compass. Axe seems very promising for a flex build, and probably your chosen skills are much better (I just want to try the daredevil + all in combo in a deck). 

@dscarpac Great, thanks!

@ElseWhere Thanks!! Actually I didn't think about Dark Horse when creating the deck, but it seems to fit very well in a flex build (with axe). I have seen your build, I'll definitely give it a try!

Aug 19, 2023 The Lynx · 972

I don't get the low ranking of Jenny on the lists but I think she does get better as difficulty increases. She has the economy to get do a lot untested with the Rogue events and Lola (or Delilah) and Lockpicks/Suggestion (1) are easy passes at any difficulty. One of my most dominant decks I have played as an evader/cluegetter.