Jenny Barnes - combat focused (Core + Dunwich)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Rushional · 65

This is a combat focused build, but the goal is to be able to occasionally pass checks of any skill.


  1. I only use Core and Dunwich here
  2. Jenny is just pretty bad. I tried my best to get the most out of her, but Jenny's gonna Jenny. She won the Duniwch campaign though! I ran her with this Ashcan Pete Duke deck. Mostly Duke just carried, but Jenny did her job, ehh, serviceable enough, and in scenarios that require to pass unexpected checks, she helped with that quite a lot.
  3. Even though this deck is combat focused, I'm trying to be flexible. I'm trying to be able to pass checks of any skill, get clues if we have to. Having 3s in all stats is painful, and if we don't try to utilize all of our stats, we're wasting the already low potential of Jenny. So, I choose to be flex-ish!
  4. The better you know the campaign, the better this deck is going to perform. I'm trying to get a lot out of Adaptable. I'm running Delve Too Deep and then swapping it out. I'm swapping Arcane Studies with Physical Training after I get Streetwise. I also dropped a Beat Cop in favor of second Physical Training when the campaign graciously gave me a strength boosting story asset. If we don't get the story asset, we can still drop a beat cop when we get Hired Muscle. Why? Because we want to have x2 Ward of Protection!
  5. Elusive is tabooed. (In case you don't know, there's a list of balance changes to cards. We don't need to use it, but we can if we have a big card pool and want the game to be balanced better). I think that with such a small card pool, Elusive is fine as it is. Skids and Jenny suck anyway, so having a good card to suffer a bit less is more than fair. Elusive is pretty important in this deck, because it lets us search for damn Izzie izzier.
  6. "Wait you're running knife??". It's worse. I'm running Jenny Barnes.
  7. I have about a million upgrades planned for the deck. Dunwich gives you about like negative 3 xp throughout the campaign. It's pretty stingy. We're not going to have all these upgrades. I just like being thorough.
  8. I run x2 Contraband here. I'm not sure this is a good idea. The idea was to very eventually get Chicago Typewriter, and then use contraband with our signature and the typewriter. Maybe a better idea would be to get Contraband later, we run Adaptable anyway. Buuuut Contraband + our signature is really nice, and solves the problem of not having good weapons in our card pool. If only we had infinite resources and card draw to achieve this dream more reliably
  9. Sometimes, things will be so difficult that we don't have a chance to play Delve Too Deep. That's okay, that's Jenny. But this deck wants so much experience to get to the fantasy of playing with Jenny and killing stuff, that we really want to accelerate our xp gain. So, let's just run them and hope that we'll have a chance to play them some.

My final 5 splash cards after all the swapping

  1. x2 Ward of Protection
  2. x2 Physical Training
  3. x1 Beat Cop (but to ensure okay-ish fist stat, we need to have a fist-boosting story asset or x1-2 Hired Muscles. Don't cut Beat Cops unless you know you will be able to boost your strength to the level of being stressed out and mildly annoyed, but not crying and rage quitting. What, this is Jenny. This is what we signed up for. This is why we love her. Good ol' Jenny Barnes.

Upgrades Path:

  1. Charisma - to have both Leo and a Beat cop at the same time. We could theoretically have 2 beat cops at the same time instead, but that would be not very drop the beat of us. We're also planning to have a lot of allies, so this charisma is going to do some heavy lifting.
  2. Perception, x1 Knife => Switchblade (2) Hell yeah, now we're finally going to deal some damage!! is what we'll be saying after each upgrade. After each scenario. It's not going to happen. But we will be able to do some things, it's not the end of the world! (unless we loose the campaign, then it probably is). Keep in mind that this upgrade slows our path to Chicago Typewriter, and doesn't synergise with Contraband at all. We can try to skip this altogether, but our weapons currently suck so bad that we have to run knives. So I wanted to improve the situation as soon as possible, even at the cost of 4 xp.
  3. Streetwise - Hell yeah, now we don't even need to draw our asets to be able to find clues at a sad resource exchange rate! (now we don't need our hard knocks, and can swap Arcane Stuides for Physical Training
  4. x1 Knife, x1 Opportunist => x2 Hired Muscle.

    Hell yeah, now we have more consistency boosting our fist! At a low, low cost of having less money and struggling with stuff. Nice! I'm a bit sad to cut opportunist instead of upgrading it, but for some weird reason the game doesn't just give us infinite xp for picking Jenny.

  5. x1 Opportunist, x1 .41 Derringer => x2 Chicago Typewriter Hell yeah, now we get an ACTUALLY GOOD GUN. Wait, what do you mean we have 1 scenario left in the campaign??? Having to fight with Derrigner sucks, so getting her (kinda mediocre) Twin .45s in scenarios makes us very happy.
  6. x1 .41 Derringer, x1 Hard Knocks => x2 Hot Streak Now we finally don't need to see this annoying Derringer. Honestly, maybe even drop it earlier, and keep an Opportunist for a bit longer. We don't need x2 Hard Knocks at this point, we should have x2 Physical Training. x1 Hard Knocks is enough.
  7. Charisma We would like to have this one earlier, and maybe we should, but damn, xp is hard to come by these days.
  8. x2 Emergency Cache I decided that drawing card is more important than playing Leo on turn 1 without crying. It's Jenny Barnes. She's used to crying after her sister has disappeared, and we're used to crying after picking her as our investigator. But like, sometimes it's tears of joy. Sometimes we're like "hell yeah, lets goooooo Jennyyyyyy, let's fucking goooooooooooo!"
  9. x2 Leo De Luca Nice, it only cost us 37 xp to get here! Dunwich rewards about like 18-21 xp, for reference.

What upgrades to skip if you want to get Jenny running quicker, and enjoy the fantasy of Typewriter + Contraband for more than one scenario

  1. Skip the switchblades. Don't cut knives until we have the Typewriter, I think. I also think we'll have to stick with Derringers for a looong time, probably to the end of the campaign. Sucks to suck, what can we do
  2. Skip Hired Muscles, don't cut Beat Cops, just get lucky and get Dr. Francis Morgan in Dunwich.
  3. If you're feeling lucky, you can even think about delaying Streetwise. I wouldn't do it. It's just to important for this deck. Lets us be more flexible, increases our consistency, lets us actually do something in the first turns if we have too (cough cough the fucking train scenario) (I love the train scenario, it's just scary). And if you want to be more combat focused and less flexible, I think I'd rather rethink the entire deck than try to change this one to achieve that.