Monterey Jack the Selfish and Greedy Archeologist

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

samsung_dolittle · 25

Jack always runs away from problems! Jack only cares about money...

Main focus of this deck:

  • Getting clues
  • Getting money, and hopefully embezzling it with Embezzled Treasure. Some money can be shared with certain cards
  • Using Higher Education to protect yourself from treachery () or to investigate high shroud ()
  • Card draw to keep Higher Education active
  • Triggering "Succeed by" effect such as but not limited to "Watch this!" and Quick Thinking
  • Never fighting. Getting the hell away from whatever threat that may come.

Upgrade Path:

Disposable cards:

  • Lockpicks
  • Breaking and Entering
  • Slip Away

Lvl 0 Cards to keep:

  • "You handle this one!"
  • Faustian Bargain and Grift

Nice to haves:

Possible Edits: I chose Streetwise over Hard Knocks because Hard Knocks cost money, while Streetwise doesn't. And I intend to avoid fighting anyways and have no assets that will use fight.