Canonically accurate Jenny's Twin .45s

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Frogg · 3

It just doesn't make sense. Why are Jenny's guns not illicit, even though they are canonically (implied to be) stolen (Check out their flavour text) from Mr. Donohue!? If they where, this job would have been wayyyy simpler. But since they aren't, we get the chance to create the perfect, canonically accurate Twin .45s by making sure that they end up in Jenny's hands through a little bit of thievery.

The goal of this deck is to get The Black Fan out while also having the 2 handed pewpew ready to go, but since they together take up three hand slots we have to find some way around that. If only the stolen guns where actually stolen they would have fit perfectly into our coat pocket...

By playing one of them with "Yoinky Sploinky" (either by investigating with bonuses from Fieldwork, Keen Eye and Arcane Studies or by evading humanoid enemies with Disguise, Manual Dexterity and Scrapper (The Bianca "Die Katz" enemy is humanoid if you can't find any in the scenario)) and getting out Leather Jacket(later on Cooler Leather Jacket) with a Hidden Pocket attached. This works because if you steal the gun or the fan it becomes "Illegal" so you can put it into your "for illegal use only" pocket.

To make the deck actually function I've added in quite a lot of card draw (Empirical Hypothesis and Pickpocketing to get your stupid combo, a lot of talents and resource gain with Don't read the fine print of this Loan, Cheat the System and the Lone Wolf/Stylish Coat combo

There are also some fun synergies with stuff like "Yoinky Sploinky" Reducing the cost of pewpew giving you more ammo for every point you succeeded by or using your long fingers to play down an upgraded .25 Automatic DURING an evasion so you can pull the trigger AFTER the evasion ends. If you end up with too much cash you can always pay your lesbian lover(please let me have this one) to finish the job for you.

And now onto the upgrade order. this is what I would personally prioritize, feel free to deviate as much as you wish, since I am a little dumb sometimes.

Arcane Studies The Black Fan 4xp

Overpower Dirty Fighting 2xp

Bewitching (put Disguise, "I'll take that!" and Dirty Fighting under it) 6xp

Overpower Unscrupulous Loan 3xp

Leather Jacket Stylish Coat 1xp

Lonnie Ritter Delilah O'Rourke 3xp (she could be worth a million xp and love would still unite her and her darling Jenny cause there ain't no price on love)

These are the core ones, feel free to make personal changes based on what you are missing or need, if you keep dying First Aid might be solid, if you want more money the Pickpocketing upgrades or getting in some Cheat the System can be solid, things that take up the accessory slot would be Garrote Wire and The Red Clock and Manual Dexterity upgrade is nice once you have everything else. you can also upgrade most of your talents, so if you feel like some of them are lacking and you'd like them to do more, put some xp into them and last but not least is a personal favorite in the "clever" upgrade for Friends in Low Places. Helps me feel smart :D


Dec 30, 2024 ElseWhere · 5167

Awesome deck! I've always wanted sig-slinging Jenny to feel a bit better to play, and quick-drawing them off evading a Pit Boss, ready to unleash bullet hell, sounds like an absolute blast. Not to mention funding all your Talents using their payouts–now that's value!

One thing that does seem a little lacking to me here is ways to reload your guns once you've gotten them pocketed. Are you planning to just discard them somehow and replay them after Hypothesizing through your deck? Or just dump enough cash into them the first time thanks to I'll Take That's discounts that you never need to reload them again?

Unrelated, but poor Lonnie Ritter, forced to be the default relationship at the start of Jenny's Hallmark movie that gets left by the wayside once Delilah teaches her the true meaning of Christmas. Or, uh, killing people. Or something. Maybe she can find some consolation with Bianca.