Carson Sinclair - How Can I Help You, Sir?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

PetsOnTheRocks · 44

This deck was used in a four player print and play "Dark Matter" campaign and with "Blob That Ate Everything Else!" print and play side scenario.

Before I get to the character breakdown I want to say that this Campaign was a breath of fresh air compared to standard AH campaigns that IMHO too much rely on putting damage or horror on players at every opportunity (Circle Undone pfft). This campaign relies more on puzzle solving and our group very much enjoyed this.

My group plays on "hard" difficulty and we are mostly quite efficient at getting the most out of scenarios. Here is a breakdown of the XP we got during the whole of the campaign:

  1. 1st scenario: 8 XP
  2. 2nd scenario: 7 XP
  3. 3rd scenario: 9 XP
  4. 4th scenario: 9 XP
  5. Side scenario Blob ate everything else: 8 - 2 = 6 XP
  6. 5th scenario: 4 XP
  7. 6th scenario: 7 XP
  8. 7th scenario: 7 XP
  9. 8th scenario: Players won?

In this campaign I decided to play Carson as his game play mechanic is so different to what I usually play (very direct damage guardians). His stat line is abysmal so clearly Carson is not meant to make skill checks of any kind. Meaning that the whole deck is built around:

  • 1) Hand out actions so that other players can do what is needed in current situation
  • 2) Help other players with their skill tests
  • 3) Soak damage and horror for other players
  • 4) Heal damage and horror from other players

The staple of this deck is hands down Girish Kadakia - he helps with skill tests and soak. This is the most important card to get out as quickly as possible. Try to mulligan for him.

Nice things to mulligan for are Motivational Speech and Stand Together to get you and your crew rolling.

Then concentrate on to get out is your own survival cards like Obsidian Bracelet, Spiritual Resolve, Safeguard. Late campaign Ever Vigilant under Stick to the Plan is a must have for your own benefit as for your group.

Last but not least are healing cards like First Aid, Hallowed Mirror and even Medical Student.

For skill cards that you can almost endlessly commit to other player check are A Glimmer of Hope and Persistence.

In late campaign having Dynamite Blast and Dodge under Stick to the Plan is a nice thing to have for survivability.

In my game other players started to rely on Carson so much that it was almost funny: "Can you give me an action?", "Can you commit anything to my skill test?", "Can you heal me?".

I hope you enjoy this investigator as mush as I did.

Exhaust Safeguard: "Wait for me, young master!".