- Q: I would like you to clarify for me the term 'using' [This question came in French, was responded to via Google Translate, and addresses multiple different cards. See: Boxing Gloves, Ice Pick, Spirit Athame, Counterspell - Frank]. For example, if I exhaust Ice Pick during an attack on a Conglomeration of Spheres, do I have to discard Ice Pick? A: No, you do not need to discard Ice Pick when attacking Conglomeration of Spheres. The ability on Conglomeration of Spheres refers to a card used to initiate an attack, like the Fight ability on Machete—Ice Pick does not have this.
Supporto. Mano
Oggetto. Strumento. Mischia.
Costi: 1. XP: 3.
Durante una prova di abilità combattendo o indagando, esaurisci il Punteruolo da Ghiaccio: Ricevi +1 al valore di abilità in questa prova. Se hai successo, puoi scartare il Punteruolo da Ghiaccio per infliggere +1 danno in questo attacco (se stai combattendo) oppure scoprire 1 indizio aggiuntivo nel tuo luogo (se stai indagando).

Carte Correlate
- Ice Pick (1) (Ai Confini della Terra, Espansione Investigatori #105)
(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
Rule Clarification: If you discard Ice Pick for additional damage or clue...
- Yorick can play just discarded Ice Pick by investigator's ability.
- Resourceful can return just discarded Ice Pick in hand.
- Scavenging can not return just discarded Ice Pick in hand.
The reason of above things:
Yorick: Ice Pick is discarded to deal additional damage. Thus, Ice Pick is discarded before the damage is dealt. Therefore, the enemy is defeated after Ice Pick is discarded.
Resourceful: Both discarding Ice Pick and returing card by Resourceful have same resolving time (ST7 -- if you succeed). Hence, you can choose which one is first. You can resolve discarding Ice Pick -> discovering clues -> returning card from discard pile.
Scavenging: "after you succeed" (scavenging) is ST6, and "if you succeed" (ice pick) is ST7. Thus, you should trigger Scavenging before you discard Ice Pick. It's the same that TATA + Take Heart doesn't work.
So, I just want to add that Scavenging + Ice Pick is still a fantastic combo. The review by elkeinkrad mentions that you can't use Scavenging in the same test as you use Ice Pick for an extra clue, which is entirely correct (as Scavenging is Step 6 of the test and Ice Pick step 7), however some people seem to have misunderstood that for the two cards not working together at all.
They do, obviously, you just have to use Ice Pick and then on a subsequent test trigger the Scavenging. It takes a bit more effort, but having played this deck in "Ashcan" Pete with Granny Orne and Plucky, I can guarantee you it is the real deal. Love this card, it is the payoff the Scavenging deck needed.
The discard effect makes this an absolutely God tier card for William Yorick or any survivor who can get Scavenging or the level two version of Scavenging. Also since this is a survivor card Resourceful works also!
Is this +scavenging really that much better than fingerprint kit, a card that isn't used that often? The costs of slot and resource per extra clue are similar. They are in different classes (though a lot of people seem excited about this combo specifically in Minh) I'll acknowledge but on pure value alone I'm not that excited. For the same XP you could even add emergency cache 3 to your fingerprint kit, another 2 card 3 XP combo that is far cheaper for your extra clues. It's also just not that easy to land scavenging every turn, especially if you play on harder difficulties.
The versatility to use it for fighting definitely makes it a lot more interesting for investigators that can use it both ways though and I'm still excited to try it in different investigators as it's just a fun card.
A couple more synergies not mentioned so far:
Joe Diamond can hold this with his signature guns out, and use either Professor William Webb(2), or Versatile + Scavenging to recur... Scavenging in particular, which he can fish out with Joe-favorite No Stone Unturned(5) from his hunch deck.
Equip this on Professor Walters and call it "Harvey's Wallbanger." ...The end! No moral.
I think the real combo would be to pair this along with Well-Maintained. Just infinite recursion for 1 resource, and everything is fast, right? Investigators who can take this: Joe Diamond William Yorick and of course... Lola Hayes
Correction: No infinite recursion at all, as Well-Maintained doesn't return itself to your hand