Com'on Daisy let's charge! - Zoe in a two-player Dunwhich C.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Castorp · 1

The Deck Explanation

This deck is meant as a complement to a Daisy deck.

General Deck

This deck is my first Zoey Samaras deck. It is used in a two-player campaign along with Daisy Walker. I have never used Zoey Samaras before, there I have no idea how her economy works etc.

In-faction cards The current card pool does no allow for much variety.

Neutral cards

Out-of-faction cards: The out-of-faction card choice is the big decision with the investigators.

  • Shortcut is a versatile card, almost always useful.
  • Ward of Protection is a safety net for these hefty situations, one cannot handle. However, one could argue that a resource, a card, and a sanity damage is such a high cost that most treacheries are weaker.
  • Double or Nothing is a good card for dealing damage to those high stamina low attack value enemies. We will see how it turns out.