Roland Banks ready to fight - upgraded twice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

beatsmd · 50

Comments and suggestions are much appreciated—I'm here to learn.

This is a twice upgraded version of my first Roland Banks deck, which was paired with Daisy Walker for a two-handed solo campaign. With 4 , Roland's job was to investigate.


Built For: Night of the Zealot: The Devourer Below


Limitations: Core Set only

Assets: Along with Roland's .38 Special, Shotgun and two copies of .45 Automatic, Knife, and Physical Training all equip Roland to be a more effective fighter. Beat Cop will help to defend against attacks and First Aid can heal damage. Police Badge can be discarded to give an investigator additional actions. Elder Sign Amulet increases Roland's sanity.

Events: Extra Ammunition will extend the life of Roland's guns. Dodge can be used to cancel an attack that isn't evaded, which is helpful since Roland has only 2 . Evidence! and Working a Hunch, the only card in this deck, both enhance Roland's investigative abilities. Emergency Cache is an all-around great event that provides resources.

Skills: Guts supplements Roland's 3 , and Manual Dexterity adds to his 2 . Unexpected Courage is an all-around great skill. Vicious Blow increases the damage done during attacks.