Zoey Death Chanel

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

noparlourgames · 10

"Losing her parents to a fire when she was young led to Zoey dealing with trauma early and becoming an adult before her time. Now she's a local chef in Arkham who strives on helping others and is devoted to the church. Always suspicious of the Silver Twilight Lodge and it's occultists, the disappearances in the building and yet the continuing activity of its members have left her intrigued, but determined to act. Now, armed with a series of blades and her friend, Father Mateo, she will assist in any way she can" Role: Fighter and Support

Fighter: Zoey is the main fighter in the group and she loves engaging with enemies due to the resource generation she gains with her signature ability. We need her to be taking out as many enemies as possible so the rest of the team (particularly Rex) can get on with clue gathering.

Survival Knife, Enchanted Blade and Meat Cleaver are the main weapons in the deck and we ideally want one down as soon as possible. Meat Cleaver is a good one to play with in Zoey, if her sanity is down to 3 or lower, she gets +2 for the attack and then heal a sanity afterwards if she defeats an enemy. Enchanted Blade will also give her sanity healing if you charge it up and defeat an enemy.

In case you don't draw a weapon, I've also included Prepared for the Worst to give you a chance to search through some of your deck for one. Beat Cop will provide not only a static boost to her fight, but will do a few points of damage to monsters for free. Her signature asset Zoey's Cross also provides actionless damage to monsters. Vicious Blow is helpful to speed up the death of a monster with it's +1 damage.


As Zoey isn't the highest on intellect, it's important that she is supporting the other investigators as much as possible in other ways. She will be evading or attacking monsters that spawn (particularly if they land on Rex) and she can do this actionlessly with Taunt.

She does have some testless clue gain (I like all investigators to attempt to get clues here and there), both of which revolve around monsters. Scene of the Crime is a great one to play if you are planning on killing a monster on your turn, as you can gain two clues without taking any damage or horror. Evidence! is a free clue from your location after killing a monster.

She can heal damage and horror with First Aid and "If it bleeds..." which will be essential in the team as we don't have huge amounts of healing in general.

Stand Together will also be great to use if there is an investigator that hasn't taken their turn on your location so each of you get a bit of a card/resource boost. Wendy and Mateo would be the best targets for this as Rex already has a decent amount of resource generation.

Resource Generation:

Zoey is flush with resources in this build given her signature ability. We want her engaging as many monsters as possible to gain a resource each time.

Stand Together, as stated is to be used when someone else is on your location for further resource boosts.

These resources should be used on playing events, but also getting down and using Physical Training in order to boost Willpower and Fight Tests. We haven't made the most of her great resource pool in previous games, so I wanted to make sure we had this.

Card Draw:

Probably a slight weakness in Zoey, there is some card draw, but not a huge amount. This has been counteracted with Crystallizer of Dreams (see below) to gain as much as possible from cards.

Defeating an enemy with Enchanted Blade does provide card draw and Stand Together will give Zoey two cards as well.

If she has spare actions (which she hopefully doesn't), drawing cards will be what they are used for.

Specific Cards:

Crystallizer of Dreams is one of the key cards this deck is built around. Every time she plays an event when this is in play, she can reuse the cards icons in a skill test. This plays in nicely to her support role and just ups her chances of succeeding at tests. Usually, the drawback of Crystallizer of Dreams is that you have to put a Guardian of the Crystallizer into you deck, but for Zoey, that's another monster to provide her with a resource and to potentially play the likes of "If it bleeds...", Evidence! or Scene of the Crime on.

Good Opening Hand Cards:

Look for and mulligan into these if possible:

Any of your weapons, Crystallizer of Dreams, Beat Cop, First Aid

Next Upgrades:

Beat Cop <<<<<< Beat Cop

First Aid <<<<<< First Aid

Lightning Gun <<<<<< Survival Knife

Taunt <<<<<< Taunt