Sweet Carolyn, Good Times Never Felt So Good

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SenorBiggles · 14

The goal of this build is to be as much of a support for the other three characters in our campaign as possible. This is accomplished through:

  1. Healing horror: You know, that thing Carolyn does. First Aid can also be used to heal meat damage in a pinch.
  2. Resources: Ideally Carolyn is generating resources from Peter Sylvestre every turn, extra bonus if it's from using Forbidden Knowledge on him for a total of 3 resources per turn. These resources can then be used to help pay for allies more expensive assets through either Charles Ross, Esq. or Teamwork.
  3. Combat help: Wither to reduce the difficulty of allies attacking big enemies and Dynamite Blast for some light spot cleaning.
  4. Card Draw: Old Book of Lore and Hypnotic Therapy can both help allies get through their deck faster.

This deck is not meant for solo or even two player, Carolyn here is hyper focused on support with the minimum accommodation for self-defense. Meat Cleaver is included to allow Carolyn to put horror on Pete without having to take attacks or use the scary door.

Upgrade Path: Upgraded Pete, Stand Together, Tarot Cards

Will it work? I have no idea. Probably not. We'll see.