Stella Clark - Investigator Starter Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RookMorgan · 1436

This is the official Starter Deck from Fantasy Flight Games. The provided basic weakness is included. The Headers and content are copied directly from the insert of the pack. Links for easier understanding were done by me.

Stella Clark Starter Deck

Stella is a scrappy underdog who is able to snatch victory from the claws of defeat. Her ability allows her to reattempt skill tests she narrowly fails, or to make up for lost time after failing a skill test on a treachery. combined with other cards that grant her benefits whenever she fails a skill test, she is a low-risk investigator with surprising versatility.

Stella's deck contains several assets with abilities that mitigate the downsides of failure, such as her .18 Derringer and her Old Keyring, both of which only consume uses when you succeed. Using these cards, you can safely take a fight or investigate action without much fear of failure. Better yet, if you fail a skill test during your turn, Stella's deck contains many events that allow you to capitalize on that failure. As an advanced combo, try attempting a test you know you will fail, then play "Look what I found!," Oops!, or Dumb Luck to effectively succeed while still triggering her Rabbit's Foot, Take Heart, and/or her investigator ability. Then you can play Live and Learn to attempt the test again!

If you are faced with a skill test that you really don't want to fail, Neither Rain nor Snow is your best friend. In addition to boosting your chances at success, it prevents the consequences for failure.

While Stella can occasionally "fail forward," she can sometimes find it difficult to inherently succeed at tests like other investigators can. This is especially true when her weakness, Called by the Mists, appears. In thiese circumstances, it is often wise to avoid high-difficulty skill tests altogether by using Mysterious Raven or A Test of Will.

Upgrading Stella Clark

The upgrades included in this starter deck allow you to specialize Stella in one of several different areas. If you wish to enhance her combat ability, you can upgrade to .18 Derringer (level 2) or purchase the powerful Chainsaw (level 4). Alternatively, you can upgrade her "fail forward" events- "Look what I found!" (2) and Dumb Luck(2)- to make her better at investigating or evading.

Several of the higher-level cards in this pack are "exile" cards- Powerful cards with the potential to be removed rom you deckonce used. Leaning into an exile strategy can be a potent way of gaining tempo in tough scenarios. Use A Test of Will (level 2) to cancel frightening treacheries, and Leather Coat (level 1) or Cherished Keepsake (level 1) to soak damage or horror, respectively. If you find yourself exiling cards often, consider purchasing Déjà Vu (level 5), which reduces the experience cost to repurchase exiled cards.

If you want to go for a more well-rounded approach, Granny Orne (level 3), Lucky! (level 3), and Unexpected Courage (level 2) are all strong cards that will help you succeed at tests more often, rather than capitalizing on your failures. Lastly, Quick Learner (level 4) is a game-changing card that can alter your entire approach to every investigation phase. If you enjoy failing your way to victory, this might be the perfect first purchase for you.

Additional Rules and Clarifications


some player cards must be exiled when they are used. when a card is exiled, it is removed from the game and returned to your collection. During campaign play, a card that has been exiled must be purchased again with experience points (between scenarios) if you wish to re-include it in your deck. If exiling 1 or more cards would reduce you deck below your investigator's deck size, when purchasing cards between scenarios, you must purchase cards so that a legal deck size is maintained (when purchasing cards in this manner, you may purchase level 0 cards for 0 experience cost until a legal deck size is reached).

Frequently Asked Questions

If I use Rabbit's Foot to draw a card after failing a skill test, and the card I draw says "play after you fail a skill test," can I play it?

Yes. You are still in the same timing window, so as long as the card's other costs are paid and its other restrictions are met, you can play it after drawing if with Rabbit's Foot.

Copyright 2020 Fantasy Flight Games.


Jul 28, 2022 ForAiur · 3

With only 30 cards this can't be her legal deck. What's missing?

Jul 29, 2022 RookMorgan · 1436

@ForAiur I'm not sure what you mean. Stella's Deck size is 30 not including signatures and weaknesses; that's what's here. I was very careful when I published these to make sure they were exactly what was in the box.

Jul 30, 2022 ForAiur · 3

Sorry, I was just super tired AND stupid. Haven‘t played the game in a year and really thought decks were 60 cards. Lol. How could I‘ve forgotten?

Aug 28, 2022 RookMorgan · 1436

PLEASE NOTE there is now an updated publish of this deck that included all possible upgrades included in the pack in the new "side deck" feature: