Minh Support [Hard/Exp: 3-4 players]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

jeermaster · 19

Dark Horse + Higher Education should be fun. With Christopher and Glasses you can get up to 10 (counting the free Education trigger if you succeed) permanent skill for investigations. Keeping your hand stocked shouldn't be a problem with 2 Assistants and 8 skill cards that replace themselves. Also, Rabbit's Foot. Also, Analytical Mind.

She's still a support character though because she can't deal damage and probably needs some time to get rolling. Although I guess you could add Fire Axes. So maybe she's even good solo. Anyway, her ability and Analytical Mind are obviously geared towards multiplayer and I'm confident that she can supplant the current support character staples for 4 player campaigns. Because what she lacks in evasion, she definitely makes up for in skill check support.

(As always, communication is key. Choose a team composition, then build your decks together. An example: You might want to add Strange Solution over Leather Coat, if someone's playing True Grit on your team.)


Sep 19, 2017 Django · 4904

Rise to the Occasion is great, especially with minhs ability. However, in other decks i found i couldn't use the card very often, it's restriction is pretty harsh.

How is your experience with it?

You've got a lot of items, how about Scavenging?

Sep 19, 2017 jeermaster · 19

I haven't played a deck with Rise myself but I've seen it do some good work in my mate's Agnes list. (I think he's playing it as a one-of?) I like to think of Rise as an event that bails you out of a terrible skill check rather than a skill card that you get to use at your own leisure. It's good to shore up weaknesses in your stat line, which makes it better for investigators that have a slanted skill distribution. With Agnes, for example, getting to punch something for 1 damage and then finishing it off with Forbidden Knowledge is a common application.

Regarding Scavenging, I don't think I have enough items that I actually want to discard in this version to justify it. However, if you add fire axes, your suggestion looks great. Because then the Glasses will naturally end up in your discard pile sometimes and if you're playing solo recurring Leather Coat(s) also becomes more relevant. You could even add a knife or two for consistency. That actually sounds solid. I like the idea if you plan (or, your team needs you) to fight occasionally. Also justifies the two copies of Rise to the Occasion, so that's a plus as well.

Sep 20, 2017 Covered in Weasels · 1

Dr. Milan Christopher doesn't seem very helpful alongside Dark Horse in this deck. The two abilities clash really hard, and she doesn't have a way to make use of the extra resources granted by Milan. I would consider Lantern instead -- it helps with investigation checks, uses a seldom-occupied hand slot and can snipe the occasional enemy if necessary.

Sep 20, 2017 SamVC · 4475

My group is playing Minh and she seems busted at times. Her ability to throw in skill pips, and enhance other players skill tests is such a great support ability.

The Dark Horse build is so consistent. It's low budget and does work. Rise to the Occasion does seem useful, especially in getting rid of her weakness The King in Yellow.

@Djangomentioned running Scavenging, and I think she does very well with it. While a Dark horse build may not use it well, since they don't run many items that are likely to see the discard pile, it does work well with Lantern or the underrated Strange Solution upgrades later on!

Sep 20, 2017 Django · 4904

You mean, minh seems OP? I guess the seeker deck is more the problem. We played dunwich with rex and daisy (caster) and it was simply too easy. With the redrawing stuff (skill cards, Preposterous Sketches, Laboratory Assistant and Cryptic Research) you can always refill your hand, if you're in a pinch. With Mind over Matter , plan, acid and The Red-Gloved Man you got enough fighting options.

I hadn't thought of Dark Horse, but seeker cards are pretty cheap, so it should work. You can use Higher Education or any other talent to burn money any time, if you want to use Dr. Milan Christopher. His ability is optional, you don't have to use it. You can give the money to other players, if someone has Teamwork in their deck.