Myriad Mandy [14xp target]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Taevus · 674

Open to your input before our blind run!

Myriad Mandy the Rogue Queen

For 4p Dream Eaters - Waking World alongside Gloria, Zoey, and Nathaniel.

See the 14xp upgrade for the "target" deck.

We're going for a thin (30 cards) Rogue deck. With the most recent Taboo hitting Mandy pretty hard, and the fact that we'll only get 3 chances to upgrade, most upgrades are pretty cheap to get them online quickly.

The 0xp deck is pretty straight forward and not really interesting. Mandy will be alongside Nathaniel Cho who loves using his Boxing Gloves to fuel his fight engine, and Mandy will be dedicating lots of her extra searches to that. That is the majority of her enemy management plan starting off.

Charles Ross, Esq.: I like Charles, and we have 8 of our own cards he can help with, along with allies' assets. Good for game 1.

Upgrade Time

  • Segment of Onyx is the whole point of this deck, so get it first. At 4xp for the entire set, it's still great. We should see it multiple times a game.

  • Whitton Greene is another early upgrade if you can get her (even just one). Either the Pendant of the Queen or one of its pieces (Segment of Onyx) should be in play almost constantly, so she should give her bonuses freely. The search on a location reveal is an added bonus if/when it triggers. I debated Dr. Elli Horowitz, but Whitton has higher potential to trigger, and we aren't looking for Elli to carry Ornate Bow or for us.

  • Next pick up as many 1xp upgrades as you can. Three Aces and Easy Mark are fantastic deck thinners. Momentum and Three Aces add great targets for Practice Makes Perfect. You are good to go at this point.

  • Guided by the Unseen is a little broken as written, but assuming one use per test or per turn it allows you to perform a free search with no charges spent. This is the definition of a luxury/grease card. Enjoy.

  • Forewarned is a great card for Mandy, and cheap. With Gloria Goldberg in our group I may not bother. All the rest of the upgrades in the side deck are very optional, and I'm unlikely to get to them in this campaign.

Upgrading Path - Cumulative XP

4xp - Segment of Onyx replaces Tooth of Eztli and a Hawk-Eye Folding Camera.

8xp - Whitton Greene replaces Charles Ross, Esq..

10xp - Three Aces & Easy Mark replace Burning the Midnight Oil, the other Hawk-Eye Folding Camera, and a couple of the skills, depending on what's working for you. I plan on ditching "You handle this one!", but there's a chance Gloria Goldberg or the s will tie really well with it.

14xp Backpack is a great upgrade, usable either on turn 1 to start your Pendant of the Queen, or even more powerful after you have thinned your deck and shuffled Segment of Onyx back into your deck. Will be hard not to get all 3 right back in play. Might get swap with Momentum.

16xp Momentum - Another great target for Practice Makes Perfect, and can help with Quick Thinking.

Everything else is gravy: