Labyrinths: Kiss Kiss, Bang! Bang!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Jenny Barnes All Rounder 0 0 0 1.0

AndyB · 935

Here, my plan is to have a 'succeed by crazy amounts' deck. For Labyrinths of Lunacy, I'd like to hit +5 or +6 on each test.

We'll do this the usual Jenny way - with money. High Roller, Streetwise are the cornerstones of this deck; they should make it reasonable to pass most tests quite excessively.

To support this, we need money - so Hot Streak, and "Watch this!". I've included a copy of Lone Wolf, though that will only be of limited use in Labyrinths.

To help blow past tests, we're also packing Opportunist. I'd like to get these both down at once. And just in case we pass, but not by 2, Daring Maneuver should help.

Sometimes, though, bad pulls will happen. Hello Lucky! and Sure Gamble.

If we're relying on exceeding on tests, Switchblade is a valid weapon to use. To be honest, it's one of my favourites. Lucky Cigarette Case should be good for card draw.

Prepared for the Worst is in due to the lack of weapons in the deck. I'd prefer to hang on to Jenny's Twin .45s until the end game.

I'll be mulliganing hard for Switchblade, Prepared for the Worst and High Roller.

And that's kind of it. Not a high cost deck, really, and aimed more at being able to pass most tests by a wide margin. Jenny should be alright at fighting, assuming we can get a weapon, and decent for investigation - as long as we've the resources...


Aug 18, 2018 TheBlackHorror · 17370

Interesting deck idea! I like it!

Aug 18, 2018 AndyB · 935

So how did it go?

Two early Hot streaks were a nice start, an I got a Switchblade from the off - but a lot of good cards were a bit deeper in the deck. The High Rollers only came out in the Mid-game, and Leo De Luca was a bit late to appear too.

However, Jenny did smash most tests. The Opportunists were surprising useful; One got played about 5 times, and the other 3 (until a treachery took it away). I did have to use the Daring Maneuvers, but when you've got Switchblade and Lucky Cigarette Case down, that seems like a smart move (+1 damage, draw a card, and I can have my 2 Opportunists back? For free? Yes please)

I did find that my money did start to wane a little in the midge - I got twitchy when I started to have less than 20 resources.

Double or Nothing was excellent, especially alongside Sure Gamble, which has the benefit that it too can be used to put oneself at a +2 result - so drawing cards, getting back Opportunists, etc..

Then, finally, both High Rollers came out. They're great for pumping Jenny up, as she gets the money back, albeit that they're less of a boost. I was using combinations of High Roller, Streetwise and Physical Training. I wasn't brave enough to go "all in" and use both of the High Rollers for the same test - one tentacle would've cost 6 resources, and I wasn't that flush by this point (only 15 or so resources)

Oh, the lone Lone Wolf was worth a play, too - got 4 or 5 resources back from it. And Take the Initiative is a lovely Treachery mitigation card. I used it fairly early, and it was needed. Later, it might not have been so useful as I could just boost past it.

Problems with the deck? One - a big one - rate of damage. Yes, Jenny could consistently knock out 4-6 damage, but compared to a backstabbing Sef, or any kind of Lightning Gun or Shotgun, or Shrivelling, it was just a bit slow. I'd love to have been able to improve this with another pair of Double or Nothings. I did wonder if Chicago Typewriter might be a good include?

This exacerbates the second problem - There's not much damage or horror soak in this deck. Tanking enemies is a seriously bad idea.

The third (more minor) issue is that the cards Opportunist, "Watch this!", and Take the Initiative are all "Commit only to a skill test you are performing". You're not going to be helping your allies that much. But hey, Rogue, right?

Otherwise, Jenny did what she was supposed to - turn up, make a bunch of tests look easy, and be the prettiest rich girl in the room...